Some years ago when an address on the baptism with the Holy Spirit was announced, a brother came to me before the address and said with much feeling, "Be sure and tell them not to pray for the Holy Spirit." "I will surely not tell them that, for Jesus says, 'How much more shall...
Paul. The class was given an assignment to pray 10 minutes a day for specific missions connected to The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. I chose to concentrate on Hispanic missions. Before long, I found myself genuinely connecting to the missions. Rather than seeing this prayer time as a ...
1 1 HowtoPrayWheninDifficulties(OrHowtoPrayinBadTimestoaGoodGod) PreachedbyPastorPhilLaytonatGoldCountryBaptistonDecember7,2008 .goldcountrybaptist Psalm119:65-72(NASB95) 65 YouhavedealtwellwithYourservant,OLORD,accordingtoYourword. 66 Teach megooddiscernmentandknowledge,ForIbelieveinYourcommandments. 67...
It works! I know!Since 1964, I have not even taught a Sunday School class without someone praying for me. I have not ventured overseas unless the 1,000-member 24-hour prayer clock was activated- each intercessor taking a segment of the day or night. I have never written a book, ...