Such mechanism should engage the whole EU legal system, including national courts, in protecting EU values, as assumed by the concept of "Rule of Law Argument" and the horizontal Solange test.Maobcka, IgaPorzeyńska, MagdalenaPrzegld Europejski...
Wpyw przepisów prawa Unii Europejskiej o badaniach klinicznych produktów leczniczych na polskie prawo karnedoi:10.32082/fp.v0i2(58).314The article raises the question of the influence of the EU clinical trials of medicinal products legislation on the Polish criminal law....
Prawo prywatne w Unii Europejskiej: Perspektywy na przyszo (Private Law in the European Union: Perspectives for the Future)European private lawcodificationThis short book analyses the developments in European private law until 2004, especially the effects of the workings of the Lando Commission and ...
Gender w prawodawstwie Unii Europejskiej - szansa czy zagrożenie?The author of this publication has considered the question of presence so called gender in the law of European Union and its chances and risks which could be the consequences of gender's ideology. Firstly, author has made the...
Decision-making mechanisms also take into account the hybrid nature of the EU and a variety of interests of the Member States with the simultaneous need for maintaining the cohesion of the European Union.Grzegorz Janusz
Sprawozdanie z zebrania Sekcji Otorynolaryngologii Chirurgii Gowy i Szyi UEMS (Europejskiej Unii Lekarzy Specjalistów)The signs and symptoms of acute pharyngitis was described, and principles of diagnostic and therapeutic approach was discussed, concentrating on differentiation between the various forms...
Sprawozdanie z corocznego posiedzenia Sekcji Otorynolaryngologii Europejskiej Unii Lekarzy Specjalistów (ORL Section UEMS) Genewa 4–6.10.2013 rThe review article presents general characteristics of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), its role in head and neck pathology, but concentrating mostly on EBV ...
Jakowski, MarekZeszyty Prawnicze Biuro Analiz Sejmowej
The European Commission also has reservations about the widespread use of fast-track legislative procedures in Poland. However, it praised Polish anti-corruption measures and legislative work aimed at implementing the Audiovisual Media Services Directive.acny, JustynaZeszyty Prawnic...
The implementation of unions labour law was caused the decrease the quality of legislative on his technical side but – what's more important – the implementation of union labour law influence on the high level protection the interests ours employees.Walerian Sanetra...