🦐 Prawn的那些事儿 🦐 超市里,速冻虾饺的包装上写着“prawn hacao”,原来虾饺的另一种叫法是“shrimp dumpling”呀!顺便提一句,shrimp和prawn这两个词在日常使用中可以互换,不过prawn通常指的是稍大一点的虾。更严谨地说,这两种生物的鳃结构还不一样呢!🦐 鳃(gill)的结构有讲究,prawn的鳃是层状的(lame...
Two crops per year are possible with a total production of 14–16 t ha− 1 year− 1. In east Java between 1976 and 1992 traditional farmers continued to grow P. merguiensis from wild-caught PLs because they seemed hardier and less disease sensitive, while intensive farms grew P. ...
HYDROXYAPATITESCAFFOLDSThe major objective of the work is to explore the mechanical properties of biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP), a biomaterial derived from marine resources like prawn (Fenneropenaeus Indicus) shell biowaste through wet chemical treatment of CaO. We report the BCP, a mixture of ...
5. Qian D, Shi Z, Zhang S, Cao Z, Liu W, Li L, et al. Extra small virus-like particle (XSV) and nodavirus associated with whitish muscle disease in the giant freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii. J Fish Dis. 2003;26:521–7. 6. Sahul Hameed AS, Yoganandhan K, Sri Wi...
36.20millionVND/harespectively.Thisnetreturnismuchhigherthanthatoftwocropsofrice intheWestBassacsub-regionoftheMekongDelta. I. TV N Tômcàngxanhlàmttrongnh nglòai cs nnư cng t ngb ngvànócógiátr kinht cao. M tkhác, i uki nt nhiên ngb ngsôngC ulong( BSCL),c th làvùngT...
The major objective of the work is to explore the mechanical properties of biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP), a biomaterial derived from marine resources like prawn ( Fenneropenaeus Indicus) shell biowaste through wet chemical treatment of CaO. We report the BCP, a mixture of hydroxyapatite and ...
2M. Mulutilptilpelesesqeuquenencceeaalilgignnmmeenntt ooff LLDDHH aammiinnoo aacciiddsseeqquueennccees.s.ThTeheLDLDHHs osfoMf Macraocbrroabcrhaicuhmium nipnpipopnoennesnese(P(PrarwawnnLLDDHH)),, DDaapphhnniiaa ppuulelxex(D(DapahpnhinaiaLDLHD-HA)-Aa)ndanHdomHoosmapoiesnaspi(eHnus ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Dicistrovirus Associated with Moralities of the Great Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Xiaoyi Pan 1,*, Zheng Cao 1, Junfa Yuan 2, Zhengli Shi 3, Xuemei Yuan 1, Lingyun Lin 1, Yang Xu 1, ...
Unnddeerr aannacaicdidicicocnodnidtiiotnio,nth, ethseolusotilountioconntcaointsaainlsaragelanrugme bneurmofbHer+ oiofnHs.+Tihoensse. HTh+eisoensHw+ ililooncscuwpiyll tohcecuapdysotrhpetioadnssoirtpestion tshiteesuornfatcheeosfuthrfeacaedsoofrtbheenta,dwsohribchenitn, twuhrnicwh iilnl...