院系设置:普拉特艺术学院下设有6个院系和1个教学机构,提供本科、研究生以及文凭课程,分别是建筑系(School of Architecture)、美术系( School of Art)、设计系(School of Design)、信息系(School of Information)、 文理学院(School of Liberal Arts and Sciences)、继续教育与专业研究学院(School of Continuing and...
The Art and Design education programs are New York State Education Department (NYSED) “approved teacher preparation programs” and meet the new requirements for New York State Initial Teacher Certification in Visual Arts PreK-12. However, in order to be recommended for New York State Initial/Prof...
Pratt研究生专业 艺术学院 School of Art Art and Design Education Arts and Cultural Management Art Therapy and Creativity Development Dance Therapy Design Management Digital Arts Fine Arts Photography 建筑学院 School of Architecture Archite...
College of Art University Four-year Coed Regionally Accredited Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools College Board member Percent applicants admitted:65% 学制 Semester 可授予学位 Associate Bachelor's Master's 其他特点 Additional campus located in Manhattan with associate degree programs, bachelo...
⑧GRE:只有申请Art History(艺术史)、Library Science(图书馆科技)或Architecture(建筑学,仅限本科...
(Ranked first of 93 schools nationwide by College Factual, 2018. Pratt’s architecture program has also been ranked first out of nine in the state of New York, College Factual, 2018) #1Fine Art and Studio Programs (Ranked first nationally in USA Today, 2015, by College Factual) ...
students are exposed to cultural richness and diversity of New York City, with its world-class museums, galleries, and art and design events. Brooklyn, in particular, has recently become a hot spot of young entrepreneurial craft and design culture, and students can learn a great deal from imme...
Pratt艺术与设计类专业排名(World University Rankings - Art & Design)全球第七,北美地区第四。其中室内设计专业全美排名第一。区别传统的课堂授课形式,本项目将会是一次全新的学习体验,同学们将在外籍教师的带领下,充分感受Studio课的乐趣,不断激励自我,不断突破思维局限。全程会配有领队老师、课程助教,确保学生安全...
The article discusses the 125th anniversary celebration of the Pratt Institute art school in New York City in 2012. According to the article, the school president Thomas Schutte, the actress Christiane Seidel, and the glassware maker Maximilian Josef Riedel were present at the event, which raised ...
that is a funny question, why I choose Pratt yap, because at that time Pratt was the one of top art and design school in new York in 5 years ago. But now it’s not a good school ….SVA is much better than Pratt now. but the Tuition in SVA is not cheap also.. ...