DUAL REMOTE - Spend the money to get a second matching or dual remote. Change channels while they are watching. The secret to this prank is to not overuse it. If you use it in small doses, you can carry this one on for months, not just on April Fools' Day. FAKE CAKE - Take a ...
Return from House Pranks to Prank Ideas Central Share your prank, or ask a question If you have... 1. played a funny prank on someone and want to share it or 2. have a great prank idea or 3. want more details of a prank,
On the night before April 1, sneak in to your kiddo’s room and make some changes that will surprise them in the morning. Turn the chair upside down, put underwear on the dolls… even switch sleeping siblings into each other’s beds. They’ll wake up to a silly surprise… and know ...
For a healthy relationship that lasts, it's wise to always keep your partner on his toes — and to stay laughing together. That's why April Fools' Day is a perfect time to pull a prank you'll both remember for years to come. We've rounded up the best April Fools' pranks to play...
While your friend is sleeping find some flour (a lot or a little depending on your level of cruelty) and pour it on your friend. Some people prefer to actually hurl a fistful as if they were pitching a fastball in the MLB, others prefer to go stealth to get maximum yield of flour. ...
Some of these require a bit of preparation and even a few supplies, while others you can pull off with stuff you already have at home — and an excellent poker face. Of course, don't forget to keep that camera nearby to record the moment! 1 Sticky Shoe Situation skhoward//Getty ...