Office Pranksters Describe The Best Prank They've Ever Pulled On A Coworker People Shared Their Genius (But Kind Of Sinister) Office Pranks That Will Seriously Make You Laugh Hilarious Text Pranks To Drive Your Friends Crazy The Meanest Pranks Parents Ever Pulled on Their Kids Hilarious Pranks...
| Gmod /w friends - NO! NO! NO! 10:51 MY DOLL IS TRYING TO KILL ME! |Tattletail 24:37 The Bravest Potato - Haunted House VRChat 21:09 Surviving Until Midnight | MinecraftHorror 14:17 Chibi Things Get Scared - MinecraftStory Roleplay 13:58 JASON'S MONSTER GRANNY ~[GRANNY SIMULATOR]...
PALMS DOWN - Tell a friend that you know a great trick. Put your hand palm-down on the table and balance a full glass of liquid) on the back of your hand. Bet your friend that they can’t balance a glass on both hands at once (help your friend to put them in place). As soon...
Hilarious and creative practical jokes and mischievous acts to try out on your nearest and dearest frenemies. Pranks to Pull on Roommates Old School Historic Pranks More Ways to Git Yer Friends Ways to Get Your Siblings Eeeevil Senior Pranks Gone Too Far April Fools Pranks Played on the Public...
No, we are not referring to somewhat harmless schoolboy pranks. 不,我们所说的并不是学童无伤大雅的恶作剧。 GlosbeMT_RnD 类似于 "Pranks" 的短语,可翻译成 中文 He enjoys teasing his friends by playing pranks on them他喜歡捉弄他的朋友 他喜歡捉弄他的朋友He enjoys teasing his friends by ...
A great place to hide the chair would be in the opposite sex bathroomYummy! - Food PrankWhile eating at a restaurant or having dinner with friends pretend you see a fly. Take out a fly swatter and act like you are chasing it around. After awhile, take out a raisin when no one is ...
1. played a funny prank on someone and want to share it or 2. have a great prank idea or 3. want more details of a prank, submit story/idea/question here! It's real easy to do - just fill up the form below and upload any pictures if you want to, and you're done!
Funny Pranks including April Fools Pranks and Evil Pranks Practical Jokes and Pranks Harmless and Safe Pranks Easy Funny Pranks Pranks for Public Spaces Evil Pranks Drunk Pranks
how-to How to Make a Prank Popup Message in Windows That's Hard to Get Rid Of Bybrad fitzgerald Feb 8, 2011 This is a very simple, but very funny prank to play on your friends using Windows. Creating the fileBegin creating this prank file by opening up a text document in your word...
SEE ALSO: 14 texting pranks to play on your unsuspecting friends Part II: More Serious Pranks 11. The do the meanest DIY project possible prankIt will make them think their home is infested with bugs, which is not a good thing to think. This is a full crafting project, though, so only...