1. played a funny prank on someone and want to share it or 2. have a great prank idea or 3. want more details of a prank, submit story/idea/question here! It's real easy to do - just fill up the form below and upload any pictures if you want to, and you're done!
~ [HUMAN:FALL FLAT] 17:21 Never Gonna Stop Loving You - MinecraftDo Not Laugh 19:17 The Issue With Spongebob | 6AM At The :Chum Bucket 16:20 Long Live The Potato Queen ~ [HUMANFALL FLATI 14:01 Taking OVER Minecraft as an IMMORTALVillain! 20:20 Every Potato For Themselves! - [...
Do dwarves slip on grease or tallow right now? I've never noticed but it sounds entertaining. Pranksters could have a handful of modus operandi, so at least then it will feel more individual instead of just random chaos. It could work similar to ghosts, with pranks ranging from innocuous ...
How ToMess Up a Computer As A Prank ByRapndonkey Computer Pranks This is one of the easiest and best computer pranks ever invented. It's simple to do, and works great. This prank causes all of the icons on the desktop to be unclickable, as well as the start bar. ...
The following are 5 very simple pranks that you can do at home on friends and family. Only a few household time are needed which would include, magnets, eggs, pantyhose stockings, dustpan, cups and a party popper. Just watch the video tutorial to get a better idea of how you can turn...
TOP 10 GOOD PRANKS TO PLAY AT HOME Good Pranks To Play At Home FAKE FLY - You can buy fake flies or bugs at the joke shop. Put a couple in the salad at a BBQ. TATTOO - If you're going home to visit the family, get a realistic temporary tattoo and then sit them down and tell...
11. The do the meanest DIY project possible prankIt will make them think their home is infested with bugs, which is not a good thing to think. This is a full crafting project, though, so only attempt if you're willing to spend a little time. ...
A family recently pulled a hilarious prank on their dad returning home by greeting him at the airport with an outrageous and embarrassing sign. This trend of creating humorous and eye-catching airport signs has become quite popular, with people going to great lengths to craft messages that make...
How To 10 Super Evil Christmas Gift Pranks You Can Do This Holiday Season! How To Short Sheet the Bed How To Bypass a Master Lock Number 175 How To Do a PC shutdown prank By 5min 03/08/2008 4:56 am Computer Pranks Send a little dose of system shutdown to your friends or...
At home, you will have a lot more options then out where you have less control over the environment or who might observe. Plan ahead to make sure everything will go as you desire. Consider whether the prank will be taken as a joke and not be interpreted as mean. If you are questionin...