Easily access the praise feature within Microsoft Teams, choose a celebratory badge, add an optional message, and share gratitude within the flow of work. Praise badges can be sent in a private chat or posted to Teams channels for wider visibility. App capabilities When this app is used, it...
在Microsoft Teams 管理中心的左侧窗格中,转到“Teams 应用”>“管理应用”。 在应用列表中,搜索“表扬”应用,将其选中,然后将“状态”切换开关切换为“已阻止”或“允许”。 请记住,此设置会影响 Teams Viva Insights 应用中的“表扬”应用和“表扬”功能。
使用“表扬”和 Microsoft Teams 功能进行沟通和了解你的一线团队。 向其他人发送表扬 在Teams 移动应用中选择“表扬”。 选择一个徽章,添加想要表扬的人,并写下个人备注。 准备就绪后,选择“发送”。 在频道中发布和阅读新消息 在公共团队频道中发布并回复对话。 增加消息的“优先级”以更具可见性,令其在线程中...
Try it! Communicate and recognize your Firstline team with Praise and Microsoft Teams capabilities. Send praise to people SelectPraisein the Teams mobile app. Choose a badge, add who you want to praise, and write a personal note. When you're ready, selectSend. Post and read messages in a...
Start a 1:1 or group chat in Teams Start a 1:1 or group chat for a more directed conversation. Want more? Send Praise to people Tasks for Firstline workers Tasks for managers Microsoft Teams video training
A description of the Praise feature for Microsoft Teams, along with step-by-step instructions for use.
Microsoft Teams 管理センターの左側のウィンドウで、[Teams アプリ]>[アプリの管理]の順に移動します。 アプリの一覧で、賞賛アプリを検索して選択し、[状態]トグルを[ブロック] または [許可]に切り替えます。 この設定は、Teams のViva Insights アプリの賞賛アプリと称賛機能の両方に影響...
messaging extension from Microsoft Viva Insights. Easily access the praise feature within Microsoft Teams, choose a celebratory badge, add an optional message, and share gratitude within the flow of work. Praise badges can be sent in a private chat or posted to Teams channels for wider visibility...
messaging extension from Microsoft Viva Insights. Easily access the praise feature within Microsoft Teams, choose a celebratory badge, add an optional message, and share gratitude within the flow of work. Praise badges can be sent in a private chat or posted to Teams channels for wider visibility...
Recognize your colleagues’ contributions using the praise messaging extension from Microsoft Viva Insights. Easily access the praise feature within Microsoft Teams, choose a celebratory badge, add an optional message, and share gratitude within the flow of work. Praise badges can be sent in a privat...