Categories: province of Canada and locality Location: Prairies, Canada, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude of center55.5321° or 55° 31' 56" north Longitude of center-106.1412° or 106° 8' 28" west Population1,010,000 Elevation535 metres (1,755 feet) AbbreviationSK Abbreviat...
Description: town in Quebec, Canada Categories: city or town and locality Location: Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Lanaudière, Southwestern Quebec, Quebec, Canada, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude46.04216° or 46° 2' 32" north Longitude-73.43512° or 73° 26' 6" west Population8...
Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 1.Map of the prairie region, indicated by the gray area. Nine sites that are referred to in this paper include: Vauxhall (VA); Kindersley (KN); Dalmeny (DL); Warman (WR); St. Denis (SD); Moose mountain (MM); Smith Creek (SC); Nelson ...
North Americacroplandscool season grasslandsTallgrass prairie in North America has been largely converted to croplands and cool season grasslands. In Missouri, only 0.5% of the tallgrass prairie remains in a form of isolated prairie islands. This study sought to delineate prairie-native warm season ...
Soil organic carbon. The EDCM model was able to derive the annual SOC storage for the entire region (with 10 × 10 sampling approach as stated in the Methods). Because corn cultivation is the focus of the study, it would be specific to isolate the spatial SOC storage map ...
The gradient exists between an area of anomalously cold water in the east-central North Pacific in the area 30°N-40°N latitude and 165°W-135°W longitude, and an area of anomalously warm water along the central west coast of North America in the area 45°N-55°N latitude and 130°...
Type: metropolitan statistical area with 7,640,000 residents Description: conurbation in Texas, United States Category: metropolitan area Location: Prairies and Lakes, Texas, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude of center32.85° or 32° 51' north Longitude of center-...
Categories: city in the United States, county seat and locality Location: Bastrop, Prairies and Lakes, Texas, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude30.1105° or 30° 6' 38" north Longitude-97.3153° or 97° 18' 55" west Population9,690 Elevation112 metres (367 ...
The elevation gently decreases to sea level in northeastern Manitoba. The Rocky Mountains location is the high elevation at the lower left corner of the map (Fig. 1). Glaciation is largely responsible for most of the landforms seen in the Canadian Prairies. This includes several shallow lakes,...
CaPA is an interpolated (6h or 24 h accumulation) reanalysis precipitation product in near real time covering all of North America. The analysis procedure involves point-to-point (P2P) and map-to-map (M2M) comparisons, followed by proxy validation using an operational version of the WATFLOOD ...