Pragma: no-cache 是一个HTTP请求头(header),用于指示HTTP消息链上的缓存系统(如浏览器的缓存和代理服务器上的缓存)不要使用任何缓存的数据来响应此请求,而应该直接从原始服务器获取最新的响应数据。这个头主要用于确保用户总是接收到最新的内容,尤其是在涉及到需要实时更新的数据时。 需要注意的是,Pragma: no-...
header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
(注:HTTP 1.0 里面有一个Pragma的 Header,使用方法只有一种,就是:Pragma: no-cache,有网络上...
When the Pragma header reaches the server, the header may be ignored by the server software. The only directive defined in HTTP/1.0 is the no-cache directive. It is used to tell caching proxies to contact the server for the requested document, instead of using its local cache. This allows...
The Cache-Control header was added in HTTP 1.1 and is a more finely tuned option. Directive Meaning public Can be cached anywhere private Only cached by browsers no-cache Cannot be cached anywhere must-revalidate Caches must check for newer versions ...
Issue Liferay adding a "Pragma: no-cache" to the response header, and this is preventing the app server, or the client from caching the data.EnvironmentLiferay DXP 7.2 Resolution Subscriber Exclusive Content A Liferay Enterprise Subscription provides access to over 1,500 articles that include ...
I would like to change the expiration time and cache for all gif and java script. After adding parameters to Apache to control caching the following headers are still seen in the http response: Raw Pragma: No-cache and/or Raw Cache-Control: no-cache ...
hi @aslushnikov . . . i have problem when i use puppeter to login on a page, chromium that used by puppeteer alwas including cache-control: no-cache and pragma: no-cache on header but when i use normal chrome / Google Chrome, the header ...
Pragma:no-cache哪里来的? 问:为什么我在点击浏览器的后退按钮后,所有字段的信息都被清空了? 答:这是由于你在你的表单提交页面中使用了 session_start 函数。该函数会强制当前页面不被缓存。解决办法为,在你的 Session_start 函数后加入 header("Cache-control: private"); 注意在本行之前你的PHP程序不能有...