先说句题外话:我对 C/C++ 中以 # 打头的指令习惯叫作预处理指令( preprocessors / preprocessor dire...
其实我建议直接使用#pragma once就行了。https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/preprocessor/impl cpp官方...
Pragmas (The C Preprocessor) (gnu.org) Modules (since C++20) – cppreference.com C++20: The Advantages of Modules – ModernesCpp.com C++20: A Simple math Module – ModernesCpp.com
is an expression of scalar type that does not referencex. x++ ++x x-- --x Notes Load and store operations are atomic only for objectx. Evaluation ofexpris not atomic. All atomic references to a given object in your program must have a compatible type. ...
在CreativeCommonsAttribution下授权-ShareAlike未移植许可v3.0。 http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/preProcessor/impl 本文档系腾讯云开发者社区成员共同维护,如有问题请联系cloudcommunity@tencent.com 最后更新于:2017-12-18 分享 扫描二维码 扫码关注腾讯云开发者 领取腾讯云代金券...
Edit online The following sections describe the available pragmas:
它 指定了结构成员按n(1,2,4,8,16)字节对齐,如果未指定n,则恢复成默认值。需要注意的是,它并不是指结构体中的每个成员都要按n对齐,而是按 照每个成员的大小和n相比较小的值对齐。下面引用MSDN中C++ Preprocessor Reference部分关于pack指令的说明:
http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/preprocessor/implhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pragma_once#Portability 浪里小白龙z == 10 pragma那个不是旧标准吗?现在不都是用ifndef替代它? AS魇梦蚀 << 12 15年用GCC3? hi60year < 11 它虽然好用,也快,但是弊端也多,比如跨平台不可以用#pragma once,...
// some_file.cpp - packing is 8// ...#pragmapack(push, 1) - packing is now 1// ...#pragmapack(pop) - packing is 8 again// ... The__pragmakeyword The compiler also supports the Microsoft-specific__pragmakeyword, which has the same functionality as the#pragmadirective. The differen...