Kumar Mishra 1 and Kishan Chand Gupta 2 1 Cen tre for Information Se urit y and Cryptograph y, Univ ersit y of Calgary, CANAD A 2 Cryptographi Resear h Group, Indian Statisti al Institute, Kolk ata, INDIA. Abstra t Ellipti Curv es o v er �nite �eld ha v e found appli ati...
作曲:Pradeep Kumar Mishra 作词:Pradeep Kumar Mishra 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Kahinki lo Ete Paduchu ManePradeep Kumar Mishra E MakhnuPradeep Kumar Mishra,Swaroop,Mani Aa Re MitaPradeep Kumar Mishra ChuabelaPradeep Kumar Mishra,TAPAS,Swaroop Love you Love you Feel HauchiPradeep Kumar Mishra,Swaroo...