Prada Paradoxe Intense Eau de Parfum, the new feminine intensity by Prada. This feminine fragrance explores strength through the lens of delicacy. The result is the intense signature of a woman in perpetual self-reinvention, challenging conventions to explore a femininity that is both powerful and...
Shop Paradoxe Intense Eau de Parfum by Prada at Sephora. This fragrance contains notes of jasmine and amber.
与原版香水一样,Intense Paradoxe香水瓶亦彰显出Prada不断创新、善于对比的特质。 这款香水的瓶身有别于原版香水,第一眼看上去就让人感觉精致而简约,其设计灵感源自Prada标志性的三角形徽标,向一侧倾斜。 Prada徽标与香水的浓烈粉色形成鲜明对比,而“Intense Paradoxe”字样则与瓶身顶部的斜边相映成趣。