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A: "Bittersweet Faith" by Bitter:Sweet (thanks to dude, USA) add more info Q: What's the song playing when Andy was at the gallery? (from Mine in Chihuahua, Mexico) A: It's "Bittersweet Faith" from Bitter:Sweet. They also had a song in the loft party. (thanks to amreprise, ...
图源:Prada Official Site 随着近两年橡胶材质热度一再飙升,很多奢侈品牌都陆续推出了橡胶材质的鞋履以博消费者一悦。Prada也同样紧跟潮流趋势,近期推出新款凉拖 – Foam Rubber Mules,其样式简单大气,Prada倒三角Logo印在鞋面上方,男女款均有三种不同配色以供选择。
美国平价百货公司Century 21于9月10日宣布申请破产保护,将关闭所有业务。创立于1961年的Century 21总部位于纽约,在纽约、新泽西、宾夕法尼亚和佛罗里达拥有13家门店,目前已开始在门店和网站进行促销清仓。该集团表示,破产的导火索是保险公司没有按合同承担其在疫情中遭受的损失,损失金额达1.75亿美元。
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{"value":"scopri tutti i prodotti prada per la tua skincare: purifica la pelle, grazie al cleanser e al tonico, usa il siero e la crema che illumina l’incarnato.","matchlevel":"none","matchedwords":[]}},"sequence":{"value":"3","matchlevel":"none","matchedwords":[]},"...
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