Discover the luxury bags collection for men by PRADA, shoulder and messenger models made of genuine Saffiano leather and nylon to complete all your outfits.
Shop for our men's bags. Visit our online boutique to browse our entire luxury collection and purchase online or in store.
Visit the official PRADA online store, discover our new PRADA Messenger Bags collection for Men and buy online now.
Browse Prada Tessuto Nylon Crossbody Bag and more from your favorite designers at Grailed, the community marketplace for men's and women's clothing. Shop our curated selection today!
Visit the official PRADA online store, discover our new PRADA Bags collection for Men and buy online now.
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探索黑色 Re-Nylon 再生尼龙和Saffiano 皮革公文包款式及价格,开启PRADA在线选购体验.还在等什么?即刻访问普拉达中国官网旗舰店!
此行李袋糅合立體設計與強烈的幾何線條,外形與實用兼備。寬敞的設計配有可調校的手挽,設有大尺寸實用風格的側袋和帶插扣的中央口袋,並飾有標誌性的搪瓷金屬三角標誌。簡約俐落的幾何線條巧妙糅合觸感柔軟的 Re-Nylon,在皮革細節的襯托下,為這款配飾增添了百搭而休閒的
Time to pack up? PRADA leather weekender bags, suitcases and travel pouches for men match your style with top notch materials and practicality. Shop online.
这款Re-Nylon再生尼龙Hobo流浪包呈现三角形拼缝设计。可调节的徽标肩带设计便于肩背。标志性的涂珐琅三角形徽标点缀包身,可拆卸的拉链拉合式尼龙小袋钩连于肩带,彰显多功能性。 为确保产品的可持续护理,保持其特性并减少其对环境的影响,建议不要频繁清洗产品,每次使用