A soft, compact design distinguishes this backpack made of Re-Nylon: a fabric that can be endlessly regenerated, produced from recycled plastic materials collected in the ocean. It has a metal side-release buckle and zipper pocket on the front. For susta
Sleek, minimalist lines are the choice for the new men's bags for Fall Winter 2021. Defined by its hybrid design, halfway between a backpack and shoulder bag, this accessory has one adjustable woven nylon shoulder strap with side-release buckle and is de
Prada's functional and innovative backpack has redefined the traditional perception of luxury with a pragmatic but refined design. The iconic style is made of Re-Nylon, a regenerated nylon fabric that is the sustainable evolution of a distinctive materia
Sleek, minimalist lines are the choice for the new men's bags for Fall Winter 2021. Defined by its hybrid design, halfway between a backpack and shoulder bag, this accessory has one adjustable woven nylon shoulder strap with side-release buckle and is de
美国亚马逊 Prada Tessuto Zainetto Nylon Leather Backpack 1BZ005, Black / Nero历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Prada Tessuto Zainetto Nylon Leather Backpack 1BZ005, Black / Nero
探索黑色 小号Re-Nylon双肩背包款式及价格,开启PRADA在线选购体验.还在等什么?即刻访问普拉达中国官网旗舰店!
尼龍背包自80年代起成為Prada經典單品,彰顯品牌特色,包括創新素材、實用為本的奢華設計、以及經典的嶄新演繹。背包設計時尚簡約,所選用的再生尼龍是以回收自海洋的塑膠垃圾、漁網及紡織纖維廢料循環再造並淨化製成。 為商品進行可持續護理,可以維持其原有的外觀和特性,
Visit the PRADA official store, discover now 黑色 Re-Nylon中号双肩背包(配小袋) and buy online at the official PRADA e-store.
Prada Re-Edition 1978 medium Re-Nylon and Saffiano leather two-handle bag € 2.100 Prada Re-Edition 1978 small Re-Nylon backpack € 1.750 Prada Re-Edition 1978 large Re-Nylon and Saffiano leather tote bag € 1.700 Prada Re-Edition 1978 Re-Nylon and Saffiano leather mini shoulder bag ...
Robot Nylon Utilitarian Backpack, Black¥8801.33 Neiman Marcus US官网直供 支持国内信用卡 不支持PayPal国际版 支持转运 不可直邮 去购物 ! 下单前温馨提示: 购买礼品卡或使用礼品卡支付的订单均无法获得返利;使用非本站提供的折扣码购物无法获得返利。建议您使用Chrome浏览器无痕模式(Ctrl+Shift+N)并关闭所有...