Taoism has an important place in Chinese history because of the centuries of influence it has had on Chinese culture and society. Taoism was developed during the rule of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and eventually became the state religion during the rule of the Tang Dynasty....
Chinese Religions: Beliefs and Practices This book brings together the studies of Jeaneane Fowler in Taoism, Chinese popular religion and the broader canvas of Chinese cosmogony, and those of Merv Fowler in Confucianism, Chan (Zen) Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism. 'Chinese Reli... JD Fowler,M...
First, to render a sketch of the dissonance between the ideals and the practices of the three teachings as represented in their doctrines and philosophies on the one hand, and the behaviour of professed believers like the imperial women and the popular expressions in contemporary religious beliefs ...
The literature highlights that GIOP presents a significant challenge, primarily due to the lack of genuine commitment among corporate power structures (Benschop & Verloo, 2006). While organizational change can dismantle dispositions, beliefs, social practices, and hierarchies that are often considered imm...
The Downside of Self-Talk: False Expectations and Limiting Beliefs “I frequently lose arguments with myself.”— Explanation used to explain why a person ate another chocolate just after saying that they were not going to eat anymore Expectations are powerful beliefs about the future (Cook, 2012...
These traditions share many common practices, principles, and goals – and yet there are profound differences in approaches, beliefs, and worldviews. This post is my effort of putting it all together and presenting an overview of the common goals and practice of different spiritual paths. ...
This paper describes lay theories of mental illness in Chinese culture and its possible contribution to the stigma associated with persons with mental illness in that culture. These lay theories reflect to some degree, fundamental Chinese beliefs and values including: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, ...
the article offers an overview of the many sorts of sources and materials that determine the perspectives we have of Daoism-related beliefs and concepts during the late Chosŏn. In contrast to earlier interpretations of Daoist practices as exclusively expressing a desire to retreat from public life...