Continuous Integration is a software practice where developers integrate frequently, at least daily. While this is an ostensibly simple concept, it does leave ample room for interpretation: what is it the developers integrate with, what happens when they
There is little evidence that scanning is of any use in non-anxious patients [32] and it is likely therefore that the most cost effective route would be to scan only those who present with anxiety. Declaration of competing interests The author(s) declare that they have no competing inter- ...
Korean-Australian inter-country adoption has been practiced for 30 years. This longevity provides unique opportunities to develop critical perspectives on a comFronek, PatriciaTilse, CherylSocial Science Electronic PublishingFronek, P., & Tilse, C. (2010). Controversy and its implications for the ...
Couples counseling (i.e., both partners attend at the same time) is not an appropriate mode of interven- tion because the abused woman will be afraid to speak honestly in the presence of the abuser and the abuser will typically deny or minimize the abuse. 9. After leaving an abusive ...
Autolink - Putting SDL-based test generation into practice M. Schmitt t, A. Ek*, J. Grabowskit, D. Hogrefe t, B. Koch t t Medical University of Diibeck, Institute for Telematics Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23538 Diibeck, Germany email: {schmitt.koch.grabowsk.hogrefe} ...
Although climate change poses a threat to health and well-being globally, a regional approach to addressing climate-related health equity may be more suitable, appropriate, and appealing to under-resourced communities and countries. In support of this ar
To support a dynamic option and eliminate the errors from the QR code reader or facial recognition, we designed a “Manual” option, as shown in Figure 12. The user is required to fill out all information; then it will be checked again to be saved in the database. This option will spe...
Intervention: The patients met both the Physiatrist and the Physiotherapist for a first functional and motor assessment (T1): mobility test , manual muscle test (MRC), aerobic capacity (6 MWT), pain and disease perception (VAS). During the same meeting, JAMAR, a questionnaire on the quality ...
Gingrich S, Schmid M, Dirnbo篓ck T, Dullinger I, Garstenauer R, Gaube V, Haberl H, Kainz M, Kreiner D, Mayer R, Mirtl M, Sass O, Schauppenlehner T, Stocker-Kiss A, Wilden- berg M (2...
(2010) `Controversy and its implications for the practice of contemporary social work in intercountry adoptions: a Korean-Australian case study', Australian Social Work, 63, 4, 445-59.Fronek, P., & Tilse, C. (2010). Controversy and its implications for the practices of contemporary social ...