Good luck with your Year 11s this year! Mick Callanan AQA-style GCSE English Language Paper 1 AQA-style GCSE English Language 1 (marking guidance) AQA-style GCSE English Language Paper 2 AQA-style GCSE English Language 2 (marking guidance) see alsoThe...
but this would need to be well considered using an established decision-making model. Authors and Affiliations Regional Assessment & Resource Centre, Queens University, Kingston, ON, Canada Allyson G. Harrison & Beth Pollock Northern Ontario Assessment & Resource Centre, Cambrian College, Sudbury, ON...
Two key predetermined eligibility criteria for our study were the field of study and language. First, the paper had to be in the field of post-fire forest restoration or related to planning and management sciences. Excluded fields of study comprised: (chemical environment–agriculture engineering +...
27 July 2018; Accepted: 6 September 2018; Published: 13 December 2018 Abstract: This article examines how the use of libation imagery, such as bowls (phialai) and wine, in the Book of Revelation to showcase the ways in which early Christians negotiated the language of sacrifice into their ...