Geerzy’s Combat Training Course is another aim training map that offers a ton of variety. Some of the scenarios featured on the map also require building to some extent since keeping up your aim while putting up walls and stairs is a crucial part ofFortnite. All of the targets on the ...
Aim Duel Training Map 12+ How to Play This Island Step 1Download Fortnite If you don't already own Fortnite, you can download it for free. Step 2Navigate to Search In Fortnite, navigate to Search by clicking on the search icon at the top of the screen. Step 3Search for Island You...
Wenn du Fortnite nicht bereits besitzt, kannst du es kostenlos herunterladen. Schritt 2Rufe die Suche aufRufe in Fortnite die Suche auf, indem du das Suchsymbol am oberen Bildschirmrand anklickst. Schritt 3Suche eine InselDu kannst die Insel anhand ihres Inselcodes oder -namens suchen. ...