Testmethodvalidation Cleaningvalidation TheEMAguidelineonPVforfinishedproductsunderwentaminorupdateinNovember2016. Withthesemodernapproachestopharmaceuticaldevelopmentandmanufacturingandtheadvancementofthe conceptofPVtoalifecycleapproach,ISPEsProductQualityLifecycleInitiative(PQLI®)hasbeenprovidingthe technicalunderpinningsto...
McGirr, A practical mixed mode II/III fatigue test rig, Int. J. Fatigue 9 (1987) 95–101. [16] J. Pokluda, R. Pippan, T. Vojtek, A. Hohenwarter, Near-threshold behaviour of shear-mode fatigue cracks in metallic materials, Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 37 (2014) 232–254....
applied sciences Article Scalable Dynamic Multi-Agent Practical Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus in Permissioned Blockchain Libo Feng 1 , Hui Zhang 1,2,*, Yong Chen 1 and Liqi Lou 3 1 State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; fenglibo@...
materials Article The Simple Lamb Wave Analysis to Characterize Concrete Wide Beams by the Practical MASW Test Young Hak Lee 1 and Taekeun Oh 2,* 1 Department of Architecture Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin 17104, Korea; leeyh@khu.ac.kr 2 ...
Mechanically scanned multi-channel direct ToF products have already been adopted in the ADAS of luxury passenger vehicles since 2017 [10], in many robotic vehicles, and in autonomous test vehicle fleets [11]. Another way of mapping is to image a scene with a camera lens system and an array...
According to Formula (1), the Q14 value of the test piece is calculated. When 1 ≥ Q14 ≥ Qth1, the test piece is considered a leftmost piece; when Qth1 ≥ Q14 ≥ Qth2, the test piece may or may not be the leftmost piece and evaluating it requires artificial assistance; and ...
BaBtatettreyryEnEenregrygyStSotroargaegeSySsytestmems (sB(EBSESS)S, )e,sepsepceiaclilayllythtehoenoensebsabsaesdedononlitlhitihuimum-io-niontectehcnhonlogloyg, y, hahvaevebebeenencocnosnidseidredrefdorfosrtasttiaotnioarnyarsytosrtaogreagaeppalpicpaltiicoantiso. nTsh.isTthyipsetyopf eenoefr...
It should be noted that the sloped sidewalls in the practical FIB milling will not be as large as 30°; we just try to declare an obvious influencing rule. Figure 6. The changing rules of (a) the focusing properties, (b) the maximum intensity of the main Figurheot6s.poTth, eancdh(...
The asphalt layer in the test area is known to be 25 cm thick, and the test area was inspected beforehand by airport staffs by striking the pavement. A damaged region was located at x = 4 to 6 m and y = 0.5 to 1 m, as indicated in Figure 10. To obtain more information on the...
In the same way that materials such as polymers are measured: test the compatibility with a range of solvents with known HSP values and construct a sphere containing all the good solvents and excluding all the bad ones [32]. The center of the sphere provides the HSP. For (nano)particles,...