Another edible viburnum, along with highbush cranberry, wild raisin, and nannyberry. Hobblebush grows a bit differently than the others, with a sprawling habit and gigantic leaves. I found my first one in late summer, and as soon as I had my eye tuned to them I found hundreds of hobble...
though highbush cranberry contains one large seed (and bittersweet nightshade has many small seeds, like a tomato). To make it more confusing, it’s not unusual for this plant to vine up in highbush cranberry shrubs. I’ve actually found the berries vined together, and ripe at the same ...
If you haven't tried Concord grapes, keep your eye out this month. They taste just like grape juice! They do have seeds, so be ready for that, or try making your own grape jelly and discarding the seeds. Muscat grapes are another favorite of mine. They are greenish-rose colored with ...
I take you through the equipment you need in this article here: But in general, you need two fermentation vessels, usually a narrow neck demijohns, which is basically a gallon guy like those cheap wine jugs (carlo rossi?) you can buy in... I would use the recommendations her for the amount of lemon juice. 1 pound of pears will give you about 2 cups sliced so that should give you a general idea of how many cups. Reply Rachel October 17, 2020 at 2:17 am Could I ...
The All-New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving~ This updated version from ball dramatically reduces the sugar in canning recipes, but the results are still plenty sweet. They start with 6 lbs apples, 2/3 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, and 1/2 cup lemon juice.Makes 4 pints. ...
Uses: Cider, Juice, and Fresh Eating Season: Mid-September Storage Life: Up to 3 months Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9 Pollination Requirement: Self-Fertile Minimum Chill Hours: Assume 800 to 1000 Pomme Gris Like many heirlooms, the origins of the Pomme Gris aren’t clear. However, unlike many...
And again, since this is a hot pack, you’ll need to cover the hamburger patties with boiling liquid — either water, beef stock, or tomato juice. When the jars are filled, apply your 2-piece canning lids until fingertip tight and wipe down the sides and tops of the jars. At this...