Due to the half-lives of Th-229 and the first decay daughter Ra-225 (t1/2 14.9 days), the regular elution schedule of the generators results in approximately 63 GBq (1.7 Ci)/year, which is below the current demand for clinical trials, preclinical research, and other research needs (Rober...
et al. Towards tellurium-free thermoelectric modules for power generation from low-grade heat. Nat. Commun. 12, 1121 (2021). Article CAS Google Scholar Gelbstein, Y., Gotesman, G., Lishzinker, Y., Dashevsky, Z. & Dariel, M. P. Mechanical properties of PbTe-based thermoelectric ...
The PDX samples used for this research were provided by the Biobank Core Facility at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center and Barrow Neurological Institute. The samples were deidentified and conformed to the Biobank Institutional Review Board’s protocol. The St. Joseph Hospital and Medical ...
ethical, and efficient. These benefits are achieved while preserving the integrity and validity of the trial, through the pre-specification and proper adjustment for the possible alterations during the course of the trial. Despite much research in ...
The inability of traditional methodologies and DNA analysis to readily perform wood identification to the species level for monitoring has stimulated research on chemotyping techniques. In this study, simple wood extraction of endangered rosewoods (Dalbergia spp), amenable to use in the field, ...
2.Residual solution in the ITC cell Users generally rinse the ITC cell with buffer solution, which does not contain analytes. This is a fundamental and important procedure for matching solution components between solutions in the syringe and cell, and thus minimizing background heat (i.e....
Brain oxygen monitors may be removed when any of the following conditions are met: (1) The patient awakens from coma (motor GCS = 6) or if aphasic a mGCS of 5; (2) there is a medical indication for removal of the monitor (such as infection or bleeding associated with the cathet...
The ABA catabolic enzyme has been an attractive target for regulating the endogenous ABA level in plants, and thus, its inhibitor, (−)-Abz-E2B, is expected to be useful as a plant growth regulator, in addition to act- ing as a research tool for chemical biology and chemical ...
At present, except for some special structures, most of the diffraction structures are set up to break the upper and lower symmetry of diffraction, so as to achieve the purpose of unidirectional diffraction. In this research, multi-layer structure has also found numerous applications. Table 2. ...
This research was funded by the Program of Integrated Activities for the Development of the University of Warsaw (ZIP Program), co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Path 3.5. ...