(NIST), joins Chris for an enlightening discussion about the path towards trustworthy AI. Together they explore NIST’s ‘AI Risk Management Framework’ (AI RMF) within the context of the White House’s ‘Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial ...
“It is much easier to create what you want in life than most people realize.You can eliminate problems in your own life LIKE MAGIC! Then I’ll tell you how to do the same with the world’s problems.”—William Eastwood Besides containing the best tips, tricks and secrets to achieve go...
When I was in my early 20's I had a fantastic imagination.I devised another experiment like the one that led to my work with a Yale Professor, only this was bigger. I wrote a book about myself in the future. In it I was Teller,The Dragon Slayer,battling dark forces in order to s...
Microsoft's HoloLens is back, and retooled. The new version of the company's 3-year-old mixed-reality headset, which is nowavailable to order for $3,500and is coming later this year, fits easily over my head and glasses. It feels like an industrial tool, a welder's mask. I can se...
They need to maintain order acquisition channels for these acquired companies active and generate revenues. While in India, a Series B / Series C funded ecommerce venture cannot run dual operations or two loss making entities. . Concluding Notes: I am not against acquisitions & exits, they are...
“We are in a simulation.We are in a matrix. In the Neverending Story film, a boy reading a book enters the story. The boy learns that the belief of humans is creating the world he finds himself in. The difference between that boy’s world and ours is the boy knows it’s a simul...
1,000+ free articles on how to homeschool, college at home, math, science, history, reading, unit studies, classical education, much more! This page is a table of contents to our online articles library arranged by author. Authors represented are listed to the left. To find what's fresh...
It is abstract, since it declares a common interface for reading/receiving ticks from two different sources: the tick history of the basic symbol at the EA and the OnTick event queue when working online. The 'read' method is a universal tick loop that uses the virtual methods hasNext() an...
any government solution to a social/economic problem is always inferior to what the private sector could do if left alone. Therefore, the ultimate goal of government should be to dismantle itself in order to allow the private sector to work its magic. A corollary is that government should redu...
is immense. Let’s embrace this effective and enjoyable approach to learning, and watch our little ones flourish in the world of numbers. The joy and learning that come from these board games are truly priceless. So, gather your family around the game board, and let the math magic unfold!