Prolonged PR Interval and Risk of Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation After Catheter Ablation It has been demonstrated that a prolonged PR interval is associated with an increased risk of AF. However, the impact of a prolonged PR interval on recurre... JT Wu,JZ Dong,CH Sang,... - 《Internati...
Impact of heart rate and PR interval on Doppler indexes of left ventricular diastolic filling in an elderly cohort (the Framingham Heart Study): Galderisi M, Benjamin EJ, Evans JC, et al: Am J Cardiol 72:1183–1187, 1993doi:10.1016/1053-0770(94)90261-5Burns, B.F....
1 För kapacitetshantering har standardkvoterna för nya Batch-konton i vissa regioner och för vissa prenumerationstyper minskats från ovanstående värdeintervall. I vissa fall har dessa gränser reducerats till noll. När du skapar ett nytt Batch-konto kontrollerar du din...
The mean difference (95% confidence interval (95% CI)) between phase angles obtained by respiratory inductance plethysmography and pressure sensor plethys- mography was only -5.8° (range -18.0 to +6.4°). Similarly, all methods used to mea- sure TPEF/TE agreed well: mean differences (95%...
The accessory pathway conducts impulses faster than normal, producing a short PR interval. The accessory pathway also acts as an anatomical re-entry circuit, making patients susceptible to re-entry tachyarrhythmias. Patients present with episodes of paroxsymal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), specific...
GAREM1 regulates the PR interval on electrocardiogramsHigh-density lipoproteinRespiratory function testsForced vital capacityForced expiratory volumeAdolescentHazard ratios (HRs) and interaction between baseline alcohol consumption and the studied gene polymorphism in relation to type 2 diabetes risk using data...
Proxidize Android Legacy allows you to set a rotation/IP change interval. To use it, you need to:Press "AUTO CHANGE IP" button on the home page. Select the rotation interval you wish to use. Select a time in minutes. Anything less than 30 minutes will harm your phone. Press "SET" ...
implantation, the MR estimate of the causal effect is smaller (OR = 1.14/10 ms increase in PR interval) than the effect size seen observationally for PR on pacemaker implantation, suggesting that acquired factors such as heart disease may also play an important role (Supplementary Fig.6...
The accuracy of the interval is shown to improve when the tanh(-1) transform is used. A bootstrap solution was tried and did not perform as well as the proposed solution. 展开 关键词: Bootstrap Cluster sampling Complex sampling Confidence intervals Contingency tables Distribution-free Non-...
The best available evidence of impending toxicity from very high doses of desipramine hydrochloride is prolongation of the QRS or QT intervals on the ECG. Prolongation of the PR interval is also significant, but less closely correlated with plasma levels. Clinical symptoms of intolerance, especially...