(ECG or EKG) PR interval part 3是心电图基础知识(ECG or EKG) | 双语字幕 | 医学动画 | 医学英语的第4集视频,该合集共计4集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
可目前对于 PR 间期过度延长的认识还不够深入,在临床治疗方面也缺乏足够的经验和规范,所以研究它显得尤为重要。 为了深入了解这一现象,南京医科大学第一附属医院的研究人员在《BMC Cardiovascular Disorders》期刊上发表了一篇名为 “Excessively prolonged PR interval in a patient with worsening shortness of breath: ...
Assessment / interpretation of the EKG PR interval. ECG PR interval is the time from the onset of the P wave to the start of the QRS complex.
PR intervalTessa Davis
Rasmussen, P. V. et al. Electrocardiographic PR interval duration and cardiovascular risk: results from the Copenhagen ECG study., 674–681 (2017). Christophersen, I. E. et al. Large-scale analyses of common and rare variants identify 12 new loci associated with atrial fibrillation., 946–952...
A Challenging ECG: A Case of a Lengthening PR IntervalCardiologyarrhythmiaelectrocardiologyAV blockA 62-year-old man presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath and chest tightness. His initial ECG appeared to have an ectopic P-wave with a lengthening PR interval consistent with ...
AArrtitciclele IIrrrreegguullaarrSShheelltteerrwwooooddCCuuttttiinnggssPPrroommootteeVViiability of EEuurrooppeeaannYYeeww PPooppuullaattiioonn GGrroowwiinngg in a Managed FFoorreesstt::AACCaasseeSSttuuddyyffrroommtthheeSSttaarroohhoorrsskkéé MMoouunnttaaiinnss,,SSlloovvaakkiiaa DDeennisi...
The interval between the termination of the preceding pregnancy and the beginning of the pregnancy that terminated with a 'convulsive disorder' child was very short for the nonfebrile group (53 % less than 12 months), while the interval for the febrile group did not differ from the group ...
[Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing] Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2012) Volume 201 || Human Identification Using Heartbeat Interval Features and ECG Morphology ...
在这项研究中,研究人员主要采用了心电图(ECG,一种记录心脏电活动的检查方法 )和超声心动图(一种利用超声波检查心脏结构和功能的技术 )这两种关键技术方法。心电图可以直观地显示心脏的电活动情况,帮助研究人员准确测量 PR 间期;超声心动图则能清晰地观察心脏的结构和瓣膜活动,了解心脏的收缩和舒张功能。 研究人员遇...