If you are not sure whether you met the PR residency obligation and are eligible for PR Card Renewal and need to learn more about the PR Card Renewal Process, we can help you! The Visa Canada Team has years of experience in handling complex immigration applications. ...
Eligibility for Citizenship Must meet specific residency and other criteria to apply for citizenship Already a citizen; no application necessary Renewal of Status PR card must be renewed every 5 years Citizenship is for life; no need for renewal For more information, also read... Canada PR Vs...
6. Whether it is the first application for a Maple Leaf Card or a renewal after five years, the applicant must pass the residency obligation test. All individuals holding Canadian permanent resident status must meet the requirement of spending at least 730 days in Canada within any ...
If you are applying to renew your present card, you should keep it until you get your new card and include a photocopy of it with your application.If you are applying to replace a damaged card, send the damaged card with your application.如果枫叶卡( Permanent Resident Card)损坏了,比如折...
What are the benefits of having a Canada permanent resident card? The residents are protected by a Canadian Charter and Canadian Law of Freedom and Rights The social benefits The healthcare facilities Citizens having a Permanent Residency are eligible for the citizenship of Canada ...
No Physical Residency As an investor who is after security and new opportunities, an obligation to physically stay in the new host state should not be obligatory unless required. New Opportunities As the world is becoming more competitive and prospects more scarcely; a lawful access to a new mar...
Personal data will include the name, residency, and contact data of all participants. Additional information will include contact data of relatives or significant others, primary care physicians, and care institutions. Due to data safety reasons, this sensitive data will be recorded in a separate ...
If you are currently attending a school on a transfer, you do not need to renew that transfer to remain at that school. As long as you maintain continuous residency in the Corona-Norco Unified School District, your transfer shall continue until your child receives a transfer to a new school...