检查单下载地址:https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/ircc/migration/ircc/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm5644e.pdf 检查单本地下载:imm5644e,这个也需要打钩一并邮寄 4. 申请表 Application for a Permanent Resident Card (IMM 5444) (PDF, 1.52MB)5444申请表下载地址:https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/...
1. 材料准备与提交首先,你需要整理关键文件,如IMM5455和IMM5444,以及两张清晰的纸质照片(中国梨园照相馆推荐)。确保所有文件完整无误,这是你通往PR之路的第一步。2. 递交申请将这些文件邮寄至移民部的枫叶卡审查中心,耐心等待审核。常规流程大约需要2-4个月,加急服务可在3-5周内完成。在3个月...
To apply for a PR card renewal, you will have to fill out an application consisting of a form IMM 5444e along with requisite documents. The documents required are as follow: Your initial PR card has expired or is soon to be expired. If your card is soon to be expired, you may keep...
This refers to the application(s) for a Permanent Resident Card that you filed with this office. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that a preliminary review of your application has been completed. Your file has now been referred for a secondary review. This review will result in ...
申请加拿大加拿大永久居民PR卡的申请程序要求个人提交IMM 5444表格并提交所需文件以更换丢失或被盗的卡。加拿大政府签发的丢失,被盗,销毁或过期的移民文件可以替换。要更换公关卡,个人必须填写申请表并支付相应的手续费。 如果您的永久居民卡丢失,被盗或被毁,请立即联系IRCC(以前称为CIC)。