qos { pq | wrr | drr }命令用来配置接口下接口队列的调度模式。 undo qos { wrr | drr }命令用来恢复接口下接口队列的调度模式为缺省值。 缺省情况下,接口下接口队列的调度模式为PQ调度模式。 命令格式 qos { pq { start-queue-index [ to end-queue-index ] } &<1-8> | { wrr | drr } { sta...
qos queue drr qos queue ecn qos queue wred qos queue wrr qos wred reset qos buffer-usage reset qos queue statistics Filtering Configuration Commands Redirection Configuration Commands Statistics Configuration Commands ACL-based Simplified Traffic Policy Commands Network Management and Monitoring Commands Comma...
This document provides the configuration commands of each feature supported by the CX11x&CX31x&CX91x series switches module, including the syntax, view, default level, description, parameters, usage guideline, related commands, and example of each comman