使用ISlde.SaveToFile(file: str, fileFormat: FileFormat) 方法将幻灯片保存为 PDF 文档。 Python代码示例: fromspire.presentationimport*fromspire.presentation.commonimport*#导入所需的模块#创建Presentation类的对象presentation =Presentation()#从文件加载演示文稿presentation.LoadFromFile("Sample.pptx")#获取一张幻...
python import os import comtypes.client from pptx import Presentation def pptx_to_pdf(pptx_path, pdf_path): # 初始化PowerPoint应用程序 powerpoint = comtypes.client.CreateObject('PowerPoint.Application') powerpoint.Visible = False # 可选:在后台运行,不显示PowerPoint界面 try: # 打开PPTX文件 presentatio...
import comtypes.client def PPTtoPDF(inputFileName, outputFileName, formatType = 32): powerpoint = comtypes.client.CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application") powerpoint.Visible = 1 if outputFileName[-3:] != 'pdf': outputFileName = outputFileName + ".pdf" deck = powerpoint.Presentations.Open(input...
const command_png = 'convert -resize 1200 -density 200 ' + topath + '.pdf ' + topath + '.png'; exec(command_pdf, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.error(`转换PDF执行错误:${error}`); return; }else{ console.error(`PDF转换完成,开始生成图片`); exec(command_p...
output_pdf="E:\Desktop\mypdf.pdf" powerpoint = comtypes.client.CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application") 1. 2. 3. 4. 注意,这里的powerpoint只是ppt应用程序,不是我们要转化的ppt文件哦。 继续进军 至此,我们了解了一些Python的基本变量和语句方法,知道了如何调用对象中的函数。
为了达到格式统一,或者说便于运用Python中的Python-docx, openpyxl和Python-pptx模块,我们需要把这三种低...
Hello, I am think of writing a converter for microsoft office to PDF, i want to begin with doc file. Idea is convert docx file to an intermediate state and from intermediate to Pdf. What i am looking for: convert docx to some defined AST using python-docx ?
No!;Python实现机器翻译;自己动手实现机器翻译;Python和云计算:机器翻译; def fanyi_baidu(q, fromLang=en, toLang = zh): text = In computer science, XXX, such as learning and problem solving. print(fanyi_baidu(text));函数fanyi_bandu的实现;云计算:软件即服务 SaaS;Python实现机器翻译;;函数 ...
python-pptx,pip install python-pptx pdftk pdftoppm 用法:python pdf_to_pptx.py test.pdf {RATIO} {DPI}, 其中{RATIO}表示 PDF 页面的宽高比例,{DPI}表示图片 DPI,控制图片清晰度。 如 python pdf_to_pptx.py test.pdf 4:3 500 或 python pdf_to_pptx.py test.pdf 16:9 1000 ...
Python 🐘 A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg. htmlmarkdownphppdfcsvexcelwordlibreofficewkhtmltopdfconversionxlsxgoogle-chromechromiumdocxpptxpdftkunoconvpuppeteergotenberg UpdatedMar 17, 2025 PHP Office PowerPoint(.pptx) file to JSON | 将 PPTX 文件转为可读的 JSON 数据 ...