01-1.Presentationtitle01-2.Presentationtitle 02.Presentationsubtitle 02-1.Presentationtitle02-2.Presentationtitle 03.Presentationsubtitle 03-1.Presentationtitle03-2.Presentationtitle Slidemaintitle DesigninspirationForpresentation •Ouruser-friendlyandfunctionalsearchenginehelpsyoulocatetherighttemplates,effectively...
company presentation-公司简介英文模板.ppt,We are a supplier, who focusing on ………. We are offer ………in the ………field. We are not only to enlarge the market share of general products, but also to offer
company presentation课件.ppt,Company Presentation 1.Lead-in Look at the following Company Logos and try to say these company names. 2.New Knowledge Useful words and phrases: (1)总部 headquarter (2)分公司 subsidiary (3)国有企业 state-owned enterprise (4)
company presentation-公司简介英文模板.ppt,We are a supplier, who focusing on ………. We are offer ………in the ………field. We are not only to enlarge the market share of general products, but also to offer
Company Presentation-in Look at the following Company Logos and try to say these company names.奔驰(Mercedes-Benz Corp)东风日产(Dongfeng Nissan Corp)麦当劳(McDonald's Corp)百事(Pepsi Corp)通用(General Motor
•1.Discussingroups.Yourfriendsisgoingtogiveanimportantpresentationtomorrow.He/Sheisnervousandfeelingunconfident.Whatadvicewillyougivehim/her?第9页/共40页 IGetbackincontrol.IIPreparebeforehand,e.g.writedowneverythingthat needstobesaidandthenreaditout;makebriefnotesofmainpointsandrefertothemwhenneeded;...
Company Presentation visual aids Flowchart Pie chart Organization chart Line graph Bar chart Effective presentation Effective organization of information Effective delivery of information Never forget your audience Task 2. You will hear a presentation delivered ...
1、How to do a company presentation,By Sharon Wu 2018,Definition,Q1: What is a presentation? a talk/monologue/speech to the public,well-prepared clearly-organized efficiently-articulated,Q2: What is an effective presentation?,3,Features,Assessment,Content Expression Presentation skills,clear and co...