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6. We welcome your theses and papers for the seminar, and your theses will be included in the Proceedings of 2015 International Seminar on China Fiscal and Tax law Reform. 1. The submitted papers should be original and have not been published elsewhere. 2. Best papers will be selected by ...
Seminar I 2008.5.27,Research Progress of Ordered Mesoporous TransitionMetal Oxides Materials,指导教师:申文杰 研究员 研究生:郭小惠,2,Ou
UpdatedSearchforHUpdatedSearchforH→→WWatCDFwith6fbWWatCDFwith6fb-1-1JenniferPursley,UniversityofWisconsin-MadisonFermilabWine&CheeseSeminar,June18,2010ggsJ.Pursley2June18,2010Outline Overview AnalysisStrategy Cross-checks Theoreticalandsystematicuncertainties Resultsandconclusions Futureresearch Manyrecentsummaries...
SeminarI(2008.5.27)ResearchProgressofOrderedMesoporousTransition-MetalOxidesMaterials 指导教师:申文杰研究员研究生:郭小惠 Outline IntroductionPhylogeny&Property ApplicationsMainlyinCatalytic OMTMO 2 Synthesis Mechanism&Methodology OutlookChallenge Introduction---phylogeny 1992PeriodicmesoporoussilicatesM41S MCM-41 199...“SlideShow”mode) 1December2006 Sol...
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