此方法利用了 MacOS 自带的自动化脚本 AppleScript 来对 PowerPoint 进行控制,主体代码如下: tellapplication"System Events"tosetis_ppt_runningto(nameofprocesses)contains"Microsoft PowerPoint"ifis_ppt_runningthentellapplication"Microsoft PowerPoint"# check if PowerPoint is currently playing a presentationsetslide_...
shortcuts快捷键tipsslideclick技巧 ppt常用技巧及快捷键(Ppttipsandshortcuts)PPTcommonskillsandshortcuts(makingPPTisactuallyapleasure,withtheseskillsisevenmore...)2010-02-2812:24(|classification:defaultclassification)Usingskills:Shortcuts-youmaynotknow:Bkey:Wkey:black,whitescreen,usethebrushmarkonthePPTplayer...
W or Comma (,): To get a blank white slide, or go back to your presentation from a blank white slide. Esc or Hyphen (-): To end the presentation. Some PPT presenter shortcuts are also used specifically for controlling the slide show more swiftly. These shortcuts include: Slide number:...
You’ll see table of contents in PPT tips and shortcuts to help you get started. You’ll know how to make your own PowerPoint table of contents in no time! Check out the video below to learn how to make a table of contents in PowerPoint. You'll start with a table of contents in ...
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Does nurse staffing ratios impact patient mortality and morbidity? Are staff members taking shortcuts thus causing injury to themselves and negatively impacting patient care? How does nurse–patient staffing ratios affect patient readmissions? Outcomes should be m...
The only proven “method” for making deep emission cuts is that of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: economic collapse. Policies tough enough to measurably affect climate would likely be a cure worse than the alleged disease. Is energy suppression moral? Demand for fossil energy is ...
Story Whatareyougoingtosay?Structure Howtobuildyourstory?Style Howtoshowyourmessage?Speed Howtobefast&efficient?Schedule Areyouready?Scope •Objectives•Attendees•Media•Audience•Content•Timing Business?…sharing Objectives sale decision ?info fun Private?Attendees One-way Interactive @ <5<10<...
Shortcuts Right-click menu Export local files (PPTX, JSON, images, PDF) Import and export pptist files Print Slide Page Editing Add/delete pages Copy/paste pages Adjust page order Create sections Background settings (solid color, gradient, image) ...
Keyboard Shortcuts 公共资源:public 文件夹 编写 基本语法 配置 插件 echarts mermaid ketex <slide> 语法 背景:图片 样式 布局 attribute image 增强 button Icon:FontAwesome span 动效 使用强大的:::完成复杂布局 打印?导出 pdf? 高级玩法 nodeppt.config.js parser plugin webslides plugin Template:自制模板 Th...