Thesis Topic The design and implementation of the network examination system 毕业设计(论文)任务书 第1页 毕业设计(论文)题目:网络考试系统的设计与实现毕业设计(论文)要求及原始数据(资料):了解国内外网络考试系统的发展现状,深入分析考试系统的工作流程;根据考试系统的工作流程设计系统的总体结构,绘制总体结构图;...
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Present confidently with features like speaker notes, timers, and laser pointer controls. Use your device as a remote to manage your slides during live presentations. Advanced Tools & Features: Utilize smart features like AI-powered design suggestions, automatic slide layout adjustments, and data visu...
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2 第二页,共66页。Zuse’sPlankalkül–1945(Publishedin1972)•Neverimplemented•Advanceddatastructures –floatingpoint,arrays,records •Invariants 3第三页,共66页。Plankalkül •Notation(標記法):例如A[7]=5*B[6]每一敘述表示成三行 1.|5*B=>A 2.V|6 7 3.S|1.n 1.n (subscripts,下標)...