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5___Parts_of_the_Body__三年级英语_英语_小学教.ppt 5___Parts_of_the_Body__三年级英语_英语_小学教.ppt 感谢大家的关注!
U5-Parts-of-the-Body课件.ppt,* Unit 5 Parts of the Body (身体部位) Part A Let’s Chant. I Can Sing, sing, I can sing. Dance, dance, I can dance. Swim, swim,I can swim. Draw, draw, I can draw. face ___ a eye ___ an two eyes nose ___ a [ n??z ] mou
身体各部分(parts-of-the-body) 资源编号 : 69060671 格式: ppt 文件体积 : 2m 下载量 : 2 寒冷的热风 PPT 2m 收藏 评论 详情页 投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的PPT资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为ppt 格式的身体各部分(parts-of-the-body), 本站编号69060671, 该PPT素材大小为2m, 该素材已被...
1、会计学1UPartsoftheBodyLets Chant. I Can Sing, sing, I can sing. Dance, dance, I can dance. Swim, swim,I can swim. Draw, draw, I can draw. 第1页/共24页第2页/共24页 face_a第3页/共24页 eye_an two eyes第4页/共24页 nose_a nz 第5页/共24页 mouth_a ma 第6页/共24页...
body-parts-对外汉语中身体部位的词汇ppt课件 身体部位及俚语B.ppt 小学英语单词趣味游戏 身体部位 BODY PARTS HIDDEN PICTURES GAME 小学英语单词趣味游戏 身体部位 Body Parts Hidden Pictures Game (精选)my body 身体部位 课堂游戏《body parts》主题课件 课堂游戏《parts-of-the-body》主题课件 口语话题之身体部位...
Body_parts讲解(附图)PPT课件 1 Bodyparts 2 3 hair 4 Hair HairColor:BlondhairRed/Brown/Blackhair HairStyle:curlyhair——straighthair longhair——shorthair dressone'shair梳理头发cutone'shair剪头发shaveone'shair剃头 5 head 6 Head Noun.partofbody头 Shakehead Verb.lead;beatthefrontof;beinchargeof...
Body-parts-身体部位英语讲解(附图)培训课件.ppt,Body parts head face nose ear eye mouth teeth neck hand finger arm elbow knee shoulder back foot toe leg Best wishes for our beloved dad . 1. Wish you a happy Father’s Day and the best of everything. 祝您父