Types of sentences power point chapter 4 the character of sentences in EST the surgical infection society revised guidelines on the management of intra-abdominal infection.[2017][surg infect (larchmt)][10.1089_sur.2016.261] Temporal anaphora across and inside sentences The function of… TYPES OF...
(2)Usinglongsentences:presentingasetofcomplex,interlockingideas.4.SentenceExpansion ForthesakeofwritinggoodEnglish,ashortandsimplesentencesometimescanbeexpandedbyaddingtoit(1)amodifier;(2)aparenthesis插入语;(3)anapposition同位语;同位语;(4)acompound/compoundsentence,thusmakingitacomplexone;;(1)Asentencecan...
E.g. I have never walked down the south side of the town without being all in a dither about what was happening on the north. Part III Types of Sentences 2.短句( short sentence)—It consists of less words comparatively.(short simple or other kinds of sentences)—They are usually ...
On the table burned a lamp in the empty room, and near it lay a little cat. Part III Types of Sentences 3. 对偶句(balanced sentence) (同等重要,平行排列) It contains two parallel clauses similar in structure but contrasted in meaning. E.g. In Plato’s opinion man was made for ...
(2)Usinglongsentences:presentingasetofcomplex,interlockingideas.4.SentenceExpansion ForthesakeofwritinggoodEnglish,ashortandsimplesentencesometimescanbeexpandedbyaddingtoit(1)amodifier;(2)aparenthesis插入语;(3)anapposition同位语;同位语;(4)acompound/compoundsentence,thusmakingitacomplexone;;(1)Asentencecan...
Write short, clear sentences on the subject-verb-object pattern. Confine yourself to saying things as simply as possible, in sentences with relatively few words. The result may sound too simple and repetitive, but if you are still unsure how to avoid a sentence fragment, then you will have ...
Sentence:grammaticalconcept.It’smeaningisIt’studiedintermsofpredication.Utterance:whatpeopleactuallysayincertainsituationwithcertainpurpose.Itismuchcontextcontext-dependent.Mostutterancesarecompletesentences,butsomearenot.I.e.“Goodmorning!”“Hi.”“Ouch!”morning!”Hi.”Ouch!”Studyquestions Canthefollowing...
(3) I took lots of vitamin C however I still came down with the flu.,There are three common ways of correcting run-on sentences. 1. Use a period and a capital letter to mark the break between the thoughts.,(1) Rita decided to stop smoking. She didnt want to die of lung cancer....
I’m going to the lecture on modern Chinese drama, because the speaker is a dramatist I like. Analysis In each of the faulty sentences there is a pronoun with ambiguous reference. The second she in the first sentence may refer to the subject or my sister; the only noun in the second ...
eg.the,boy,ball,the,kickedTheboykickedtheball*Boytheballkickedthe*Theballkickedtheboy 第5页/共52页 •Wordorderisamongthethreebasicways(wordorder,geneticandclassifications)toclassifylanguagesintheworld.•Therearetotallysixpossibletypesoflanguage,theyareSVO,VSO,SOV,OVS,OSVandVOS.• English SVO ...