1、,1,Introduction of the company,Toyota Motor Corporation referred to as the“ Toyota” ( TOYOTA ), is an automobile manufacturing company headquartered in Japan, formerly known as the Dajing company(大井公司)of Japan. Toyota is one of the worlds ten largest automatic(自动) industry companies,...
一、Background 二、Financial Analysis and Company Status 三、Toyota Production System 四、Business Strategy Company History and Overview Look back at the history of Toyota Motor Company (TMC), it was set up in 1937 by Kiichiro which was as a sector from Toyota Industries. In 1936, the first...
1.lucrative:Producingmuchmoney;profitable生利的,赚钱的 Examples:1.Manyex-armyofficershavefoundlucrativejobsinprivatesecurityfirms.2.WemadealucrativebusinessdealwiththeAmericancompanyonriceimports.2.eliminate:removesb./sth..thatisnotwantedorneeded;getridof消除,消灭,排除 搭配collocation eliminatesth.;eliminate...
* Toyota has a history of treating people with respect. Toyota is a company which was established by an adhered dream of Mr. Kiichiro Toyoda who’s dream was to make domestic cars run by his own hands in the first place. At that time, we didn’t have enough money, equipment or skill...
1312 Principle 1 11•Baseyourmanagementdecisions 10onalong-termphilosophy,evenat 9theexpenseofshort-termfinancial 8goals.7 6 5 4 3 2 TheToyotaWay-14ManagementPrinciples 1312 Principle 2 11•Createacontinuousprocessflowto 10bringproblemstothesurface.9 8 7 ...
Daihatsu.HinoMotorsproducescommercialvehiclesanddieselengines.Itsfinishedvehiclelineincludestrucks,busses,andcoaches.DaihatsuMotorCompanyfocusesonmini-vehiclesegmentssuchascitycars.Itsproductrangealsoincludes[...]Readmore Note(s):Worldwide;2018to2022 Source(s):Toyota RevenueintrillionJapaneseyen 28 Worldwiderevenu...
Unit 1.中职类基础英语ppt课件 UnitOne LogosofAutomobiles UnitOneLogosofAutomobiles Forracer,isspeed.Forchild,isred.Forfather,isblood.Forcarfan,islover.Forindividual,is challenge.Forgroup,islegend.Forus,iseverything.——Ferrari VIII.NewWords& Expressions I.Listening II.Conversations VII.FunnyStory Unit...
Syuuji Hashimoto, O.D.Works Company Incorporated + Tetsurou Takahashi, Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa M : HOKKEI INDUSTRIES COMPANY LIMITED Good Design Award (2001) # Interaction Design Prize Product Category This portable color recognition device provides auditory information on colors to blin...