ppt o n Theories of Motivationppt on motivational theories
Lesson11Motivation(动机,诱因)课件.ppt,Lesson 11 Motivation Overview Motivation Theories of Motivation Motivation Motivation – Definition Motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organisational goals, conditioned by the effort
MotivationMotivation1MainContentsDefiningmotivation界定动机/激励EarlyTheoriesofMotivation早期的动机理论ContemporaryTheoriesofMotivation现代的动机理论MainContentsDefiningmotivat2DefiningmotivationMotivation istheprocessthataccountforanindividual’sintensity,direction,andpersistenceofefforttowardattainingagoal. 动机是一种过程,它...
There are so many theories and stories that make intrinsic and extrinsic arousals to the people. The motivation Maslow’s theory of needs PowerPoint is such a diagram that shows the different aspects of human needs and their fulfillment. It is a pyramid PowerPoint design because Abraham Maslow’...
Theories of motivation 激励理论 Summarize 概述 Definition: Motivate is a continuous psychological process which motivate the people’s motivation of behavior through outer stimulation . 定义: 激励是通过外部刺激达到激发人的行为动机的一个持续的心理过程。 Summarize Basic model of the process: need-...
14、theories of motivation in which behavior is explained as a response to the external stimulus and its rewarding properties. Expectancy-value theories - incentive theories that assume the actions of humans cannot be predicted or fully understood without understanding the beliefs, values, and the imp...
The1950swereafruitfulperiodinthedevelopmentofmotivationconcepts.3specifictheorieswereformulatedduringthis time 1.HierarchyofNeedsTheory AbrahamMaslow •Thereisahierarchyof5needs---physiological,safety,social,esteem,&self-actualization---andaseachneedissequentiallysatisfied,thenextneedbecomesdominant •Separation:...
Motivation theory can be divided into different theories, which have motivation and its influence on human behavior. Process theories of motivation attempt to formally explain how motivation arises largely independently of concrete needs and influences behavior. ...
8. Two modern theories of motivation Adam’s Equity theory - Our own perception of justice / injustice, considering the situation of people on the same job / hierarchical level Vroom’s Expectancy theory - What we expect to get based on our perception of our effort / performance ...
Theacademicactivityistheend.Intrinsicmotivationtendstoleadtogreater performanceandlonger-lastingmotivation.JeanneEllisOrmrodEducationalPsychology:DevelopingLearners,sixthedition Copyright©2008byPearsonEducation,Inc.UpperSaddleRiver,NewJersey07458Allrightsreserved.TheoriesofMotivation TraitPerspective Motivationinvolvingenduring...