从树莓派(raspberry pi)看开.ppt,张成 东华大学 树莓派由英国的慈善组织“Raspberry Pi 基金会”开发,刚开始为了学生编程而设计。2012年3月,英国剑桥大学埃本·阿普顿(Eben Epton)正式发售世界上最小的台式机,又称卡片式电脑,外形只有信用卡大小,却具有电脑的所有基
系统建立在WebSocket上,树莓派I/O口与web端ppt分别为不同的client,与服务器处于同一socket。 树莓派端用python,Web PPT端用php。 =>原理: =>demo效果: 视频地址:http://xiaocao.u.qiniudn.com/blog%2Fraspberry-socket-remote-ppt-7-2014-10-15.mp4 0x02.Flappy Bird =>简介: 拿个小遮罩,敲击杯子上方,...
* * * * 附录1 完 附录1 树莓派-1 讲授计划:3~4次 6~8学时 资料来源 Wiki百科: /wiki/%E6%A0%91%E8%8E%93%E6%B4%BE 树莓派论坛: /forum.php 树莓派Raspberry Pi上手报告: /raspberry-pi-hands-on.html 注:下面部分PPT的编写,改编整理自上面提到的这些来源,感谢资源的制作者,下面不再各自特别...
Jamaica Tools; Atmospheric Monitor (AM); Tasks: 1. Execute on Host and create Profile 2. Build for Raspberry Pi and execute 3. Analyze with Thread Monitor 4. Programming and Questions.Curran Associates, Inc.Embedded systems conference 2013: ESC Silicon Valley 2013, Design West: San Jose,...
can control a power poin or libre power point from an app and i want to caputre the bluethoot signal sent from the watch and use it to control somthing else whith code how do i intercept or is it a beter way to make buttons on the watch that can control gpio pins on a raspi ...
notes-from-dynamicland-programming-raspberry-pis.html notification-system-thinking-concept-and-Implementation.html on-on-librety.html on-the-road.html on-the-way-beijing.html on-the-way-home.html on-the-way-to-summer-camp.html on-the-way.html open-edx-cn-sandbox.html open-edx-course-data-...
1. References http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Installation/Source http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Installation/Debian http://wiki.ros.org/ROSberryPi/Setting%20up%20Hydro%20on%20RaspberryPi http://wiki.ros.org/ROSberryPi/Installing%20ROS%20Indigo%20on%20Raspberry%20Pi赞...
Welcome to the first chapter of this book where you will learn how to install ROS, the new standard software framework in robotics. This book is an update on Learning ROS for Robotics Programming, based in ROS Fuerte. With ROS you will learn how to program and control your robots the easy...
Welcome to the first chapter of this book where you will learn how to install ROS, the new standard software framework in robotics. This book is an update on Learning ROS for Robotics Programming, based in ROS Fuerte. With ROS you will learn how to program and control your robots the easy...