Quantum Mechanics: What are the electron energies? Bohr Model Quantum Mechanical Model (High P.E.) 3d 3p n=3 3s 2p n=2 2s n=1 1s (Low P.E.)
量子力学经典教材 Atkins-Molecular Quantum Mechanics 热度: Mr.A.Square’sQuantumMechanics Part1 BoundStatesin1Dimension TheGame’sAfoot Primarily,therestofthisclassistosolvethetimeindependentSchroedingerEquation(TISE)forvariouspotentials Whatdowesolvefor?
量子力学经典教材 Atkins-Molecular Quantum Mechanics 热度: PostulatesofQuantumMechanics SOURCES AngelaAntoniu,DavidFortin,ArturEkert,MichaelFrank,KevinIrwig,AnujDawar,MichaelNielsen JacobBiamonteandstudents GatesonMulti-QubitState,areminder ExampleofComplexquantumsystemof3qubits–otherrealizationofToffoli,composedof...
* and ?,and integrate: NOTE: Although all physical quantities are represented by a linear and hermitian operator in quantum mechanics. An operator itself has no any physical means. Its mean is only reflected in the action on wave function ! e. g. : Fu = v. It is important to realize ...
QUANTUM MECHANICS VIEW OF THE ATOM Werner Heisenberg Werner Heisenberg proposed a theory in 1927 known as the uncertainty principle. It argued that since we have to use light to identify the location or motion of an electron, the photon of light will influence the electron's motion and position...
I, II. 1977(有中译本) 4、R P Feynman, The Feynman Lecture on Physics, Vol. III, 1965 (有中译本),习题: 1、张永德,物理学大题典:量子力学,科学出版社,2005 2、钱伯初,量子力学习题精选与剖析,科学出版社 16、,2000,35,三、学习量子力学的目的和要求(5),高级: 1、L Landau, Quantum Mechanics....
第一章量子力学中的对称性 2004年9月 3 §1.1对称性在量子力学中的表述 4 力学体系;力学量;哈密顿量 力学体系→一定物理条件下的微粒子体系力学量→坐标,动量,角动量,宇称,能量等 前几种对各种力学体系都相同→算符形式及本征值谱都相同 哈密顿量→随力学体系的不同而不同 5 位能算符;哈密顿量...
1、Computational Materials Science,计算材料学,初步介绍,First principle 第一原理 ab initio 从头算起 Density functional theory 密度泛函理论 Quantum mechanics 量子力学,几个术语,什么是计算材料学?Computational Materials Science?,计算材料学有什么用途?,Caution: Not an alternative of experiments !,Why can we...