东北大学《大学物理》课件-第25章Quantum mechanics.ppt,probability density energy wave function wave equation 0 L x * * * * wave function 波函数 probability amplitude 几率幅 probability density 几率密度 wave of probability 几率波 matrix 矩阵 time-independe
Quantum Mechanics: What are the electron energies? Bohr Model Quantum Mechanical Model (High P.E.) 3d 3p n=3 3s 2p n=2 2s n=1 1s (Low P.E.)
量子力学经典教材 Atkins-Molecular Quantum Mechanics 热度: Mr.A.Square’sQuantumMechanics Part1 BoundStatesin1Dimension TheGame’sAfoot Primarily,therestofthisclassistosolvethetimeindependentSchroedingerEquation(TISE)forvariouspotentials Whatdowesolvefor?
;Note: there is no ∧ on the symbol of dynamical variables when it represents a operator in this textbook !;NOTE: Although all physical quantities are represented by a linear and hermitian operator in quantum mechanics. An operator itself has no any physical means. Its mean is only reflected...
1 Chapter 40 Quantum Mechanics April 6,8 Wave functions and Schrödinger equation 40.1 Wave functions and the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation Quantum. Tunneling e.g consider an electron of energy 5.1 eV approaching an energy barrier of height 6.8 eV and thickness L= 750 pm What is T...
On the other hand, I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. - Richard Feynman Anyone who has not been shocked by quantum physics has not understood it. - Niels Bohr It [quantum mechanics] has survived all tests and there is no reason to believe that there is ...
postulatesquantummechanics公设orthonormaleigenvectors 系统标签: postulatesquantummechanics公设orthonormaleigenvectors PostulatesofQuantumMechanics SOURCES AngelaAntoniu,DavidFortin,ArturEkert,MichaelFrank,KevinIrwig,AnujDawar,MichaelNielsen JacobBiamonteandstudents GatesonMulti-QubitState,areminder ExampleofComplexquantumsys...
第一章量子力学中的对称性 2004年9月 3 §1.1对称性在量子力学中的表述 4 力学体系;力学量;哈密顿量 力学体系→一定物理条件下的微粒子体系力学量→坐标,动量,角动量,宇称,能量等 前几种对各种力学体系都相同→算符形式及本征值谱都相同 哈密顿量→随力学体系的不同而不同 5 位能算符;哈密顿量...