on a Global Scale Quality System Components 质量体系组成 Management管理 PlanPlan策划策划 Performance实施 DoDo做做 Assessment评价 ReviewReview评审评审 4343 Excellence on a Global Scale 6 Pillars of QA/QC QA/QC的六个基础 Management管理 Facilities设施 Personnel人员 CRM’s有证标准...
15totalqualitycontrol全面质量管理.ppt,7. Customer focus 以顾客为中心 In service organizations, as customer expectations are highly dynamic and complex in nature, focusing only on customer-defined areas so as to satisfy the customers will not yield fruit.
Quality Control System 销售部 (市场需求量) 技术部 (图纸、作业指导书) 质量部 (质量手册/程序文件/标准) 生产管理: 编定生产计划(依据市场情报、采购能力、生产能力来编制) 工程技术: ①将技术部之情报向其他关联部门传达 ②为实现设计要求,制订制造工艺及辅助设备、工具 ③对生产部、来料检查及供应商提供技术...
(对技术推广很有用) Quality Control Measures 质量控制手段 Calibration standards(校准标准) Blanks(空白) Recovery studies(回收率研究) Precision studies(精密度研究) Sensitivity studies(灵敏度研究) Detection Limit(检测限) Quantitation limit(定量限) Calibration (校准) Directly affects accuracy(直接影响准确度...
测控条(Qualitycontrolstrip/target):由 网点、实地、线条等测标组成的用于判断 和控制拷贝、晒版、打样和印刷时信息转 移状况的软片条。 1.网点面积的扩大与网点边缘长度总和成正比。 线数高时,总边长大,网点扩大值越大。 用于检测网点扩大值。 e.g.Brunner50%粗网和50%细网/GATF字码信号条 ...
IFCC Approved Recommendation on Quality Control in Clinical Chemistry. Part 4. Internal Quality Control. 1983.2. NCCLS C24-A Internal Quality Control Testing : Principles and Definit 15、ions; Approved Guideline. 1991.3. Proposed Guidelines for the Internal quality Control of Analytical Results in ...
QualityPhilosophyand ManagementStrategiesThreeImportantLeadersW.EdwardsDeming -EmphasisonstatisticalmethodsinqualityimprovementJosephJuran -Emphasisonmanagerialroleinquality implementationArmandV.Feigenbaum -Emphasisonorganizationalstructure Chapter150IntroductiontoStatisticalQualityControl,6thEditionbyDouglasC.Montgomery.Copyright...
Quality Management(英文版)(ppt 40页)PMPPreparationTraining QualityManagement Chapter8 QualityManagement Processesnecessarytoensurethattheprojectwillsatisfycustomerrequirements QualityPlanningQualityAssuranceQualityControl Source:pmbokguide2000 ©2002Robbins-Gioia,Inc.8-2 QualityManagement Planning Executing Controlling ...
When screening multiple characteristics for potential monitoring on variable control charts. When tracking the quality level of a process before any rework is performed. Chapter 7 7 The P Chart How By counting the number of defective items from a sample and then plotting the percent that are defe...