LocalVariables•NestedSubprograms•Blocks•ImplementingDynamicScoping Copyright©2012Addison-Wesley.Allrightsreserved.1-2 TheGeneralSemanticsofCallsandReturns •Thesubprogramcallandreturnoperationsofalanguagearetogethercalledits subprogramlinkage •Generalsemanticsofcallstoasubprogram –Parameterpassingmethods–Stack...
计算机专业英语 杨利 方风波 主编 科学出版社 目录 第1章 计算机专业英语简介 第2章 计算机专业英语的词汇学习 第3章 屏幕英语 第4章 计算机说明书 第5章 计算机专业论文 第6章 网络英语 第7章 计算机专业英语试题汇编 第8章 阅读材料 第1章 计算机专业英语简介 1.1 计算机专业英语与普通英语的异同 1.1.1为什...
Part 2 Reading Introduction to the History of Programming languages Subsequent breakthroughs in electronic technology (transistors, integrated circuits, and chips) dove the development of a variety of standardized computer languages to run on them. The improved availability and ease of use of computers ...
What’sprogramming 1 programmingsimplymeanstellingacomputerwhattodo.2 Aprogramisalistofinstructionsforthecomputertofollowtoaccomplishthetaskofprocessingdataintoinformation 3 Theinstructions(指令)aremadeupofstatements(语句)usedinaprogramminglanguage,Chapterone WhatisCprogramLanguage Whatshouldwelearn Aboutprogram...
Its history may date back about 2000 years ago, at the birth of the abacus, a device, usually of wood (plastic, in recent times), having a frame that holds rods with freely-sliding beads mounted on them. When these beads are moved around, according to programming rules memorized 11、...
Logical Logic programming declares what outcome the program should accomplish, rather than how it should be accomplished. Programs are: Sets of constraints on a problem Achieve all possible solutions Nondeterministic, in some cases Example of a logic programming language: Prolog ...
1、Introduction to C Programming,Introduction,Books,“The Waite Groups Turbo C Programming for PC”, Robert Lafore, SAMS “C How to Program”, H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, Prentice Hall,What is C?,C A language written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. This was to be the language th...
Portableprogramswillrunonanymachinebut…..Note!Programcorrectnessandrobustnessaremostimportantthanprogramefficiency Programminglanguages VariousprogramminglanguagesSomeunderstandabledirectlybycomputersOthersrequire“translation”steps–Machinelanguage •Naturallanguageofaparticularcomputer•Consistsofstringsofnumbers(1s,0s)...
programming languages – focus on subprograms and subprogram libraries Logic programming language (declarative/rule-based programming language) – program expressed in a form of symbolic logic Imperative programming languages – assignment statement is the main feature Sections 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.5, ...
10 Church-TuringThesis ▪ThefunctionsthatarecomputablebyaTuringmachineareexactlythefunctionsthatcanbecomputedbyanyalgorithmicmeans.11 UniversalProgrammingLanguage Alanguagewithwhichasolutiontoanycomputablefunctioncanbeexpressed •Examples:“BareBones”andmostpopularprogramminglanguages ...