National Flag ppt Nationalflag Differentcountries,differentsigns AmricaAmrica EuropeAsia Africa Australia TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland France Canada Australia Russia TheUSA Americansigns:StatueofLibra WhiteHouseGoldenGateBridge SignsofFrance EiffelTowerandRiverSeignTheyareinParis.TowerBridge BigBen...
British flag is a rectangular shape ,length and width ratio of 2:1 . It posed of the deep blue background and red, white colors. The Red Cross with The white flag is on behalf of the English patron ,saint e; the white cross is on behalf of the Scottish guard, sacred Andrew; the ...
1、12 National FlagNational Emblem3 Singapore , officially the Republic of Singapore, is an island country off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, 137 kilometres north of the equator, in Southeast Asia. Singapore is the worlds fourth leading financial centre and a cosmopolitan world city, ...
联合国详细介绍.ppt,Welcome to the United Nations Flag and Emblem A Brief Introduction The United Nations was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It c
SingaporeWhat a beautiful country!LocationSingapore consists of the main island of Singapore and some 63 offshore islands. It is situated between latitudes 1°09'N and 1°29'N and longitudes 103°36'E and 104°
Q2:Howmanynationalflagsare mentionedinthearticle? 1.Thenationalflagisveryimportantand meaningfultoacountrybecause___. A.therearemanydifferentcolorsontheflag. B.fromtheflagwecanknoweverythingofthe country. C.itsymbolizestheoriginofthatcountry,along withitsvalues,beliefsandculture. D.Thecolorsontheflagmean...
onthe4thofJulyfollowingtheadmissionof eachnewstate,signedbyPresidentMonroe. •Inall,from1777to1960therewere27changes intheflag—25beingchangesinthestarsonly. -7 《独立宣言》发表时的美国 国旗 1777年6月14日正式使用的美 国国旗 1960年以后美国的 ...
NationalflagNationalEmblem NationalflowerCalligraphy hanbok SongSeungHeon(宋承宪)宋慧乔Star Micky朴有天 YoonEunhye尹恩惠 SuperJunior DanceThesouthKoreantraditionaldance,folkdanceanddanceintothepalace.Thepalacedanceslowgrace,reflecttheinfluenceofConfucianismbytemperancesentimentandthebeautyofmoderation;Instead,reflecttruly...
中国简介英文版briefintroductionofChinappt BriefintroductionofChinese 2017.10.10 Overview ▪Basicinformation▪SymbolsofChina▪Chineseculture▪LivinginChina Basicinformation ThePeople’sRepublicofChinaismonlycalledChina.Nationalflag:theFive-StarredRedFlagCapital:BeijingDialect:ChineseCurrency:RenMinBiRMB Location ...