1、会计学1 数字电路英文版第六单元数字电路英文版第六单元 CHAPTER 6 Carry generation ( 产生进位产生进位 ) Cascading ( 串串 级级 ) Carry propagation ( 进位传送进位传送 ) Decoder ( 译码器译码器 ) Code converter ( 代码代码 变换变换 ) Demultiplexer ( DEMUX ) ( 数据分配数据分配 ) Dependence ...
波分复用器及其优缺点.ppt,波分复用器概述 WDM技术是指将两种或多种不同波长的光载波信号在发送端经过复用器(或称合波器,Multiplexer)汇合在一起,并耦合到光线路中的同一根光纤中进行传输的技术:在接收端,混合信号再经过解复用器(或称分波器,Demultiplexer)将各种波长
Demultiplexer: 分用器,multiplexer: 复用器 FDM can be used with analog signals. TDM can be used with digital signals or analog signals. Two types of TDM: synchronous TDM statistical TDM: provides more efficient service This chapter concentrates on three types of multiplexing techniques. The first,...
数字逻辑设计及应用 Demultiplexer(多路分配器)Routethebusdatatooneofmdestinations(把输入数据送到m个目的地之一)SRCASRCB SRCZ 多路复用器 BUS多路分配器 DSTADSTB DSTZ SRCSEL DSTSEL SRC:source SEL:select 廖昌俊2011 DST:destination数字逻辑设计及应用——Demultiplexer(多路分配器1)数字逻辑设计及应用 A...
1 主動零件分級分類 零件分為15大類(Class),78個小類(Family)ActiveComponents 123456 7 89 101112131415 MixedLinearmodeICIC NonvolatileMemory ElectronicStorageDevices Graphiccontroller(GPU)PLDTransistor ASIC Digitallogic VolatileRAM Microprocessor Memory-MCP MCU OptoelectronicIntegratedcircuit Diode 2 主動零件分級...
When the switch is on in a given input channel, the input signal is connected to the output of the multiplexer for a specified period of time.;;Demultiplexer Separates the composite output digital data from the digital controller into the original channels Sle-and-Hold Circuits Sler: covert an...
离散时间控制系统(中文版),KatsuhikoOgata,陈杰,蔡涛等译,机械工业出版社,2006 GradingProcedure:in-termevaluationexperimentalresultsfinalpaperexamination.2 Chapter1IntroductiontoDiscrete-Time 3 Contents 1-1Introduction1-2DigitalControlSystems1-3QuantizingandQuantizationError1-4DataAcquisition,Conversionand Distributi...
Figure 6--39 Data selector/multiplexer connected as a 3-variable logic function generator. Figure 6--40 Data selector/multiplexer connected as a 4-variable logic function generator. Figure 6--41 A 1-line-to-4-line demultiplexer. Figure A—5c The 74HC154 decoder used as a de-multiplexer. ...
Bits and Bytes Computers work with on’s and off’s – Binary digital values 0 and 1. Binary digits (bits) are usually organised into groups of 8 – a byte. We can use a byte to represent a whole number (integer), a fraction (real) and a character. We can also represent negative...