Mitosis and Meiosis Mitosis: -division of somatic (body) cells Meiosis -division of gametes (sex cells) Mitosis Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Interphase Interesting things happen! Cell preparing to divide Genetic material doubles Prophase Chromosome pair up! Chromosomes thicken and shorte...
Mitosis and Meiosis occurs before mitosis begins INTERPHASE occurs before mitosis begins Chromosomes are copied CELL MEMBRANE NUCLEUS CYTOPLASM CHROMOSOMES Interphase Plant Cell Animal Cell Prophase Nuclear Membrane disappears DNA becomes X CENTRIOLES SISTER CHROMATIDS SPINDLE FIBERS Prophase Plant Cell Animal...
meosismitosis英文版减数分裂sickle 1 3.3,4.1,2.5,4.2,and10.1 DNA,Mitosisand Meiosis 2 3 3.3DNAStructure 1.OutlineDNAnucleotidestructureinterms ofsugar(deoxyribose),baseand phosphate. •ThesubunitofDNAisaNucleotide. •Nucleotide=Nitrogenbase+Sugar+Phosphategroup 4 Nucleotide 5 Sugar=Deoxyribosesugar 6 ...
Mitosis and Meiosis 【Target】 Understand the characteristics of different animal and plant cell mitosis and meiosis phases 。 【Principles】 Cell cycle is the whole process of a complete cell growth and division. Mitosis is the main form of division in higher organism. Because it is complicated ...
6. Asexual Versus Sexual Reproduction Mitosis and meiosis, respectively, make simple cell division and sexual reproduction possible. Each means of passing on hereditary informatiom has advantages. In asexual reproduction the parent organism give rise to offspring that are genetic clones of the parent....
2 mitosis and meiosis2011课件.ppt,2 mitosis and meiosis;2 mitosis and meiosis;2 mitosis and meiosis;2 mitosis and meiosis;2 mitosis and meiosis;2.1 Cell Structure;细胞壁;叶绿体;内质网;高尔基体;线粒体;细胞核;原生质膜;核糖体;液胞;2.1 Cell Structure;2.1 Ce
小孢子母细胞.PPT,Ch .2 Mitosis and Meiosis 有丝分裂与减数分裂 Genetic continuity between cells and organisms of any sexually reproducing species is maintained by the processes of mitosis and meiosis . The processes are orderly and efficient, serving to p
Thenumberofchromosomesvariesdependingonthespecies.MedicalGenetics 1.chromatin ChromatinisthatportionofthecellnucleuswhichcontainsalloftheDNAofthenucleusinanimalcells.(AsmallamountofspecialDNAisalsofoundinthemitochondriaofthecellcytoplasmoutsideofthecellnucleus.)MedicalGenetics MedicalGenetics A.heterchromatinand...