○MindMappingSoftware what what Whatismindmap?◦Amindmapisadiagramusedtovisuallyorganizeinformation.A mindmapisoftencreatedaroundasingleconcept,drawnas animageinthecenterofablanklandscapepage,towhich associatedrepresentationsofideassuchasimages,wordsand partsofwordsareadded.Majorideasareconnecteddirectlyto the...
心智图mindmapping 愛德華?休斯的故事 另一關鍵,定期複習 * 練習 * 請在10分鐘內寫出60種動物名稱 (利用心智圖法試試看) * 右圖是我利用XMind 所繪製,僅為一例, 且未完整 將動物分成陸、 海、空三方面想 陸的部分,再以 各洲來分 每洲又區分為草 食、肉食及雜食 性動物 草食動物輔以十 二生肖所列來...
OriginsOfMindMaps BuzandevelopedMindMappingwhileatUniversity Hewasfrustratedthattraditionalnote-takingtooksomuchtime Realisingthatthebrainrespondsextremelywelltokeywords,colours,andimagesBuzandevelopedasimplesetofrulesforcapturingtopicsinamap Hisbrother,BarryBuzan,thenrealisedthatthetechniquecouldalsohelpincreativethinking ....
Mind-Maps-思维导图 ppt课件 MindMaps ppt课件 1 MindMaps ppt课件 2 WhatisaMindMap?AMindMapisavisualformofnotemakingthatcanbedoneeitherindividuallyoraspartofagroup.Atitsheartisacentralimageoridea.ppt课件 3 Agenda Todaywewillhavealookatmind-mapsandhowtheycanbeusedinproblemsolving TonyBuzan ...
This contrast with the domestic mind mapping training class, the basic concept of mind map is the mind map, the range of training covers 12、junior middle school students, managers, business people and so on, some of the program enrollment extended to children aged 9 - 12 years. Focus on...
This contrast with the domestic mind mapping training class, the basic concept of mind map is the mind map, the range of training covers junior middle school students, managers, business people and so on, some of the program enrollment extended to children aged 9 - 12 years. Focus on ...
Contents Mind mapping Getting started on a writing task Overview What is a mindmap? Why mindmap? How to mindmap What is a mind map? A mind map is a visual way of organizing ideas in a web-like structure. Why make mind maps? Use right brain (visual, intuitive) as well as left brai...
13、e to you,Based on www.mind-mapping.co.uk/make-mind-map.htm,.,17,How To Mind Map (4 of 4),Add emphasis to important points on the map Maybe put a box around a point Outline whole branches of the map as you see fit Try using colours here The colours can be used to show ...
This contrast with the domestic mind mapping training class, the basic concept of mind map is the mind map, the range of training covers junior middle school students, managers, business people and so on, some of the program enrollment extended to children aged 9 - 12 years. Focus on cogn...
LOGO Concept/mind mapping. What is mind mapping? A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged. REVISION ADVICE How to Revise To do well in exams you need to spend time on revision. To do well in exams you need to spend ...