, the Babylonian ruler Economy The economy of Mesopotamian cities depended heavily on foreign and domestic trade. Because of trade’s importance to the life of the city, governments instituted regulations to prevent fraud. Business transactions had to be recorded in writing. Egyptian Civilization ...
The Mesopotamian civilization The ancient Egyptian civilization The ancient Greek-Roman civilization The ancient Indian civilization The Chinese civilization Literary Terms(文学术语解释) Legend(传说): A song or narrative handed down from the past, legend differs from myths on the basis of the elements ...
The Mesopotamian civilization The ancient Egyptian civilization The ancient Greek-Roman civilization The ancient Indian civilization The Chinese civilization 电气设备一般不能受潮要有防止雨,雪和水侵袭的措施。电气设备在运行时会发热,要有良好的通风条件,有的还要有防火措施。 Literary Terms (...
Rising Cities As the Empire of Hammurabi was raising and falling. City-Sate on the shores of the Mediterranean. Section 2: Hebrews. Known as Israelites 1 st Civilization to practice monotheism Belief in only 1 God Religion known as Judaism Were nomadic traders Traveled. IV.Mediterranean Civilizat...
SOCIAL CLASSES Had first ever monarchy (king or queen rule). King and royal family were at top of social order. The middle class made up the majority of society. Women had rights protected by law. Slaves were common, acquired from conquered territory....
6 Social Thisiscuneiform.Babylonianswroteusingthis“wedgeshaped”writingonclaytablets.TheSumeriansinventedwriting.7 Morecuneiformwriting 8 Moreziggurats 9 10 巴比伦空中花园 11 12 农业和贸易 两河流域的主要作物小麦,该地与古埃及、印度保持着非常密切的贸易关系。两河流域文明消亡后,该地又称为古代丝绸之路的...
TwoMainParts:MesopotamianandEgyptianCulture ❖Time:5to6thousandyearsagoandshortlyafterthatattheendofthe4thmillenniumB.C.❖Geography:MesopotamianeartheTigrisandEuphratesRiverandEgyptaroundtheNile ❖Siganificance:AlthoughwesternersaremorereadytorecognizetheirrootsinGreekCivilization,actuallywesterncivilizationwasbornin...
Significance on Western Civilization:;Key figures and representative works ;;; ;;;The Main Contents:;;Brief History of Ancient Rome;;Significance of Roman Culture;Key figures and representative works ;Aelius Aristides (A.D. 117 - 181) was a popular Greek orator , who lived during the Roman ...
A number of primarily Christian native Mesopotamian sta 7、tes existed between the 1st century BC and 3rd century AD.7vAncient Egypt was an ancient civilization of eastern North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. 8v The...