做父母的感到很难去无条件地爱孩子心理健康Mental+HealthCognitive-behavioralTherapy 认知-行为法特征一 CBTisbasedontheCognitiveModelofEmotionalResponse 建立在情感反应的认知模式上Basedontheideathatourthoughtscauseourfeelingsandbehaviors,notexternalthings,likepeople,situations,andevents. Wecanchangethewaywethinkto fee...
* Emotions 情感 Two basic elements 两个基本要素 Physiological arousal 生理反应 Cognitive interpretation 认知解释 Positive and negative emotions 正面和负面 Huge impact on mental health 对心理健康有很大的影响 .新. * Six basic human emotions 人类最基本的六大情感 .新. * Other types of emotions Envy/...
* 心理健康与保健 mental health and health care 主编:孙惠君 冯丽霞 制作:李晓新 2013年4月 * 第一章 开篇--大学生心理健康概论 第二章 适应--适应能力发展 第三章 自省--自我觉察能力发展 第四章 合作--人际交往能力发展 第五章 爱--恋爱能力发展 心理健康与保健 * 心理健康与保健 第六章 积极--情绪...
Secondly, psychological care for these cancer patients, such as great compassion, patience and understanding, is crucial to the management of their mental stress. Thirdly, we are also expected to tell the patients some information on how to follow proper diet and exercise plans beneficial to their...
MentalhealthPPT课件 Mentalhealth 1.Whatismentalhealth?2.Theinfluencingfactorstomentalhealth.3.Kindsofpostgraduates’stress.4.Howtoimprovementalhealth?Introduction 1.WhatisMentalhealth?Therearetwomainpartconsistsofhealth:PhysicalhealthandMentalhealth.Mentalhealthishowwethink,feelandactaswecopewithlife.Italsohelps...