医学伦理学 (Medical ethics) 廖志齐 为什么要学习医学伦理学? 1.神圣职业(医学)躯体和整个身心负责 2.医学模式转变的需要 生物医学模式“向‘生物-心理-社会医学模式’的转变 3.?医学高技术发展的需要(诊断和治疗手段的提高) 4.?医学教育的需要 5.我国医德现状的需要 中国社会深刻变化,“道德大滑坡”市场经济...
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文档介绍:医学伦理学 (Medical ethics)廖志齐第一章 绪论 医学伦理学的提出 医学伦理学是一门研究医学道德的科学,具有广阔的社会性、文化性和人性的领域。为什么要学习医学伦理学?(医学)躯体和整个身心负责 生物医学模式“向‘生物-心理-社会医学模式’的转变3. 医学高技术发展的需要(诊断和治疗手段的提高)4...
The role of medical ethics On one hand, it maintains the interests of the science, protects and promotes the development of science.It does not become a serious obstacle to the development of science.On the other hand, it also should maintain the peoples rights and dignity, not harm mankind...
Professionalism & Medical Ethics Ronald R. Burns, DO, FACOFP Member AOA Board of Trustees Member NBOME Board of Trustees Fellow Federation of State Medical Boards Professionalism What is professionalism? How can it be implemented? How is it taught? How is it assessed?
Theoldestcodeofmedicalethics: HippocraticOath(4thCenturyBC) Severalpartsoftheoathhavebeen revisedovertheyears,e.g.- “Toconsiderdeartome,asmyparents,him whotaughtmethisart;toliveincommonwith himand,ifnecessary,tosharemygoodswith him…” “NorwillIgiveawomanapessarytoprocure ...
,18,“黑人男子的梅毒没有得到治疗” Macon县, 阿拉巴马州(Alabama)1932-1972,“Tuskegee梅毒研究”,19,教训,伦理方面仅仅留给研究组内部处理不妥 需要外部(研究组外的科学家和非科学家)的参与 需要独立机构的审查,20,第4阶段(1966-1974):外部监督的开始,Henry K. Beecher, “Ethics and Clinical Research,” ...
1、 第一讲第一讲 汉语汉语 英语英语 道德道德 morals,morality 伦理学伦理学 ethics 道德哲学道德哲学 moral philosophy 医学伦理学医学伦理学 medical ethics 生命伦理学生命伦理学 bioethics 职业道德职业道德 professional ethics 医学道德医学道德 medical morality 第二讲第二讲 汉语汉语 英语英语 仁爱仁爱 benevolenc...
Ethical issue in medical research ETHICS-Greek word: ethos=custom or convention, or the spirit of community Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity: Oxford dictionary (2014) Development of Ethical Codes Nuremberg code, 1947 Helsinki Declaration 1965, rewri...
1 GeneralHospital,SpecializedHospitalChildren’sHospital,Red-CrossHospital,Ophthalmology(眼科)Center,HospitalofTraditionalChineseMedicine Howmuchdoyouknowthehospitalanditsstaff?12 Receptiondeskoutpatientdepartment,inpatientdepartment,firstaidcenter,waitingroom,medicalward,ICU(intensivecareunit),operationroom,registration,...