管理经济学绪论_PPT课件 课程特点 管理经济学是一门把经济学原理和分析方法应用于企业经营管理和决策实践的学科。它是应用经济学的一个分支。注重实践性、实战性。Uptopresidentdowntofatherandmotherandmary.管理经济学是微观经济学中公司经理们最感兴趣的、对他们来说最重要的部分的应用。属于这类的专题有:需求、...
管理经济学综述ManagerialEconomics.ppt,5.3 完全垄断市场均衡 (Equilibrium of Monopoly) 生产者剩余 (Producer Surplus) P Q 0 S P0 Q0 生产者剩余 (Prod. Surplus) 5.3 完全垄断市场均衡 (Equilibrium of Monopoly) 消费者剩余 (Consumer Surplus) P Q 0 D P0 Q0 消
市场结构和管理决策 ;1.1管理经济学和经济学理论 (Managerial Economic and Economic Theory);1.1 The meaning of Managerial Economics ;学习管理经济学的意义; The Relation between Managerial Economics and Microeconomics;1.2经济学术语回顾 Review of Economic Terms;Macroeconomics(宏观经济学) is the study of the...
1、Chapter 1Managers, Profits, and MarketsManagerial Economics & TheoryManagerial economics applies microeconomic theory to business problemsHow to use economic analysis to make decisions to achieve firms goal of profit maximizationMicroeconomicsStudy of behavior of individual economic agents2Economic ...
ManagerialEconomics Applications,StrategiesandTactics,14e JamesR.McGuiganR.CharlesMoyerFrederickH.deB.Harris ©2017CengageLearning®Maynotbescanned,copiedorduplicated,orpostedtoapubliclyaccessiblewebsite,inwholeorinpart,exceptforuseaspermittedinalicensedistributedwithacertainproductorserviceorotherwiseonapassword-...
管理经济学(PPT 35页)MODERNMANAGERIALECONOMICS 现代管理经济学讲义 1 为什么学 英文中economy一词来源于希腊语,其意为“怎样管理家庭”。这是因为最初的社会生产都是以家庭,即奴隶主庄园或封建主庄园为单位的,因此,最早的经济问题也就是研究家庭的管理问题。经济是和管理相联系的。掌握经济学的基本原理。了解...
14、it per additional dollar spent on the activity Ratios of marginal benefits to prices of various activities are used to allocate a fixed number of dollars among activitiesManagerial EconomicsManagerial EconomicsConstrained Optimization To maximize or minimize an objective function subject to a constraint...
Managerial Economics & Business Strategy Chapter 9 Basic Oligopoly Models Work through demonstration problem 9-4 (put away your books) Suppose the inverse demand function for two Cournot duopolists is given by P=10-(Q 1 +Q 2 ) and their costs are zero What is each firm’s MR? What are...
Managerial Economics The study of how to direct scarce resources in the way that most efficiently achieves a managerial goal. Economic vs. Accounting Profits Accounting Profits Total revenue (sales) minus dollar cost of producing goods or services. Reported on the firm’s income statement. Economic...
ManagerialEconomicsIdeas SalesPromotionPriceDiscrimination •SeconddegreepricediscriminationGroupmultipleunitsofgoodstochargedifferentpriceondifferentgroups.PriceElasticityofDemandThrid-degreepricediscrimination •0<Ed<1,lowerelasticitygoods•1<Ed,higherelasticitygoods(useful)•Digoutdifferentcustomerstype(Bigdata):...